Ver – What’s new?


Version is the first release after version v9.4.0.2 that has been made generally available. It contains new features and a number of bug fixes. Before upgrading, please read the Upgrade Compatibility Alerts for each version.


Note that some of the features highlighted below are only available in the Enterprise Extensions. See here for full details of what is included only in the Enterprise Extensions.

New Features

  • Added API to validate Google reCaptcha.
  • Added API to delete customer.
  • Added manufacturer address to order confirmation email, that means in email template it is possible to access manufacturer address data.
  • Added fields min_quantity_in_order, max_quantity_in_order and default_quantity_in_order for Products. These fields could be used to set min/max/default quantity of a product that has to be ordered.
  • Added 1 new custom field (custom11) for Products.
  • Added new feature to route payment server-to-server requests over specific proxy server.
  • Added 2 new custom field (custom11,12) for Manufacturers.
  • Added new feature to generate Barcodes/QR-Codes that could be used in velocity templates or somewhere else where it could be useful feature.
  • Added 1 new custom field (custom11) for OrdersProducts.
  • Added 1 new custom field (custom11) for CustomersBaskets.
  • Added 3 new custom field (custom6,7 and 8) for Customers.
  • Added new field customers_terms, on registration customer has to accept terms and conditions, If necessary.
  • Added new field customers_privacy, on registration customer has to accept privacy, If necessary.
  • Added new field customers_title, it is possible to choose customer’s title on registration.
  • Added new field tax_identifier_2, for countries which have multiple tax identifier (like Brazil).
  • Added new field customers_natural_person to customer, it is possible to define if customer is natural person or not.
  • Added 5 new custom fields for Categories.
  • Added functionality to the Admin App Products panel to allow the view of product variants in the list. It’s a preference that can be enabled / disabled and is stored in a cookie.
  • Added multiple select (use Ctrl and click on the row) for multiple delete on the products and customers panels.
  • Added the option to have the buttons at the top or bottom (or both) on the products panel. These are defined in Settings on the panel and stored in cookies.
  • Added the ability to define a default Manufacturer for new products.
  • Added the ability to hide the Custom tab when editing products.
  • Added the ability to hide product attribute prices P1, P2 and P3.
  • Added the ability to hide product attribute custom fileds C1 and C2.
  • Fixed a security vulnerability in the BIRT Reporting system.
  • Vulnerabilities CVE-2021-45104, CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046 were resolved by updating the Log4j2 libraries to 2.17.0.
  • Added an enhanced variant handling mode that allows a unique price to be stored for each variant as an alternative to the standard method of setting a delta price for each option.
  • Added the ability to modify the quantity of each variant of a product using the KKAdmin setProductVariantQuantityWithOptions() API call.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the multi-store stores droplist on the Login Dialog when the wrong store was selected if some stores had been deleted.

Backwards Compatibility Alert

  • Following the driver update to version 8, only MySQL versions 5.7 and 8.0 are now supported.