Modifying the Email Templates

If configured to do so, KonaKart will send out emails after registration, to confirm orders and to distribute new passwords. The emails are generated using Velocity templates which can be found under the templates directory under the installation home. The current templates are all files following the pattern *.vm. Note that the file name must end with an underscore followed by a two letter country code (i.e. OrderConfirmation_en.vm).

When the state of an order is changed through the Admin App, an eMail may be sent to the customer based on the template called OrderStatusChange_xx.vm where xx is the two letter country code. A different template may be defined for each order state where the naming convention is OrderStatusChange_stateId_xx.vm . For example if the order changes state from state 1 to state 2, it will use the template called OrderStatusChange_2_xx.vm if it exists. If it doesn't exist, KonaKart will use the default OrderStatusChange_xx.vm template.

Receiving Notification Emails of Exceptions

A "notifySysAdmin" API call was added in v8.8.0.0 of KonaKart which is used to notify the defined "SysAdmin" user of important events that occur in KonaKart. The "SysAdmin" user must have a Customer account in KonaKart.

By default, notifications will be sent by email to the defined "SysAdmin" user to report exceptions that occur in each of the following cases:

  • Storefront exceptions (typically also reported to users)

  • KKEng exceptions

  • KKAdmin exceptions

Notifications of each exceptions category can be enabled or disabled in the Admin Console.

Adding Custom Business Objects for use in Velocity Templates

In the Business and Enterprise Editions it is possible to use your own business objects in your Velocity templates. To add your own business objects to the Velocity context you must create a class that implements com.konakart.blif.VelocityContextMgrIf (similarly for the Admin version at com.konakartadmin.blif.AdminVelocityContextMgrIf ) .

An example of adding an object to the Velocity context is provided in the default implementation which can be found at "custom\appnEE\src\com\konakart\bl\" (under the installation home directory).

You can modify the above source file (and the equivalent one for the admin engine at "custom\adminappnEE\src\com\konakartadmin\bl\" as required), then execute the ANT build file under the custom directory to create a new konakart_customEE.jar (or konakartadmin_customEE.jar as applicable) containing your new implementation.

Once your modifications to the VelocityContextMgrs are built you can then reference your own business objects from your Velocity templates.