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Setting up a product with multiple options

Started by EdKemp, November 06, 2015, 04:36:33 pm

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Please could you tell me if it is possible to set u p a product with multiple user options.

For instance a customer choose a t-shirt linked to a specific event location say London and then has the second option of choosing the size t-shirt they require, S, M, L etc.

Hopefully with minimal effort! Any suggestions?




Yes a product can have multiple options.

An example can be seen on our live demo at http://www.konakart.com/konakart/Computer-Peripherals/Graphics-Cards/Matrox/Matrox-G200-MMS/MG200MMS/2_1.action

This example shows 3 different options of different types - just as examples.

You could easily have Event as an option (with selectable values of London, Glasgow etc)... and in addition the size options with values (Small, Medium Large etc).

Each option value could have different prices... or could all be the same price it's up to you.

* Please write to support@konakart.com if you have a support contract - you will get faster responses doing that.


Thanks for your reply.

Can you take me though the steps of how I would we create such a product in the admin panel?

All products would have the same price.



Sorry a further question can a product be set up so that a number of different t-shirts sizes be selected and then a free text box be used to enter a team name?

Again if this is possible can you tell me how this would be done in the admin panel.




If it helps this is the version of Konakart we have running our store.

