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Konakart + OpenCMS

Started by KonakartUser, March 27, 2011, 06:31:21 am

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I have been trying to follow the steps mentioned for deploying com.konakart_22.60.0 in OpenCMS module. Not sure about the installation status, but I am getting below error while running the index.jsp

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/offline/system/modules/com.konakart/elements/NewProductsBody.jsp
KKWSEngIf cannot be resolved to a type
29: String kkImgPath = "../resources/images/";
31: // Get the products from the KonaKart engine using a SOAP call
32: KKWSEngIf eng = new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng();
33: DataDescriptor dataDesc = new DataDescriptor();
34: dataDesc.setOffset(0); // Offset = 0
35: dataDesc.setLimit(9); // We only want to get back 9 products

An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/offline/system/modules/com.konakart/elements/NewProductsBody.jsp
KKWSEngIfServiceLocator cannot be resolved to a type
29: String kkImgPath = "../resources/images/";
31: // Get the products from the KonaKart engine using a SOAP call
32: KKWSEngIf eng = new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng();
33: DataDescriptor dataDesc = new DataDescriptor();
34: dataDesc.setOffset(0); // Offset = 0
35: dataDesc.setLimit(9); // We only want to get back 9 products

An error occurred at line: 33 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/offline/system/modules/com.konakart/elements/NewProductsBody.jsp
DataDescriptor cannot be resolved to a type
31: // Get the products from the KonaKart engine using a SOAP call
32: KKWSEngIf eng = new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng();
33: DataDescriptor dataDesc = new DataDescriptor();
34: dataDesc.setOffset(0); // Offset = 0
35: dataDesc.setLimit(9); // We only want to get back 9 products
36: dataDesc.setOrderBy(DataDescConstants.ORDER_BY_DATE_ADDED);   

An error occurred at line: 33 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/offline/system/modules/com.konakart/elements/NewProductsBody.jsp
DataDescriptor cannot be resolved to a type
31: // Get the products from the KonaKart engine using a SOAP call
32: KKWSEngIf eng = new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng();
33: DataDescriptor dataDesc = new DataDescriptor();
34: dataDesc.setOffset(0); // Offset = 0
35: dataDesc.setLimit(9); // We only want to get back 9 products
36: dataDesc.setOrderBy(DataDescConstants.ORDER_BY_DATE_ADDED);   

Can you please help me resolve the above issue. I have been trying to search the form for any previous reported issue but could not see anything.

Thanks in advance.


That's a very old version you're using there.

You should use the latest version of the OpenCMS module - that matches the KonaKart version (com.konakart_22.60.0 is for KonaKart v2.2.6.0 which is ancient).

Get the latest version (currently for KonaKart v5.2.0.0) from http://www.konakart.com/downloads/open-cms-module


Thanks it did help to move ahead.

Now I am getting this error:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
Reason: ; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
Reason: Connection refused: connect

I am behind the firewall and hence might be getting this error. Here is the application trying to hit Konakart website or default konakart setup in local env?


Check out the KonaKart_OpenCms.pdf document that you will have downloaded in the module zip.

All is explained in there.

Yes, by default, it tries to connect to the KonaKart demo web services where the WSDL is: http://www.konakart.com/konakart/services/KKWebServiceEng?wsdl

You can configure it to use your own local KonaKart.


Thanks for the response. Let me try.


This error looks pretty much as if you haven't restarted Tomcat yet after importing the module.

Quote from: KonakartUser on March 27, 2011, 06:31:21 am

I have been trying to follow the steps mentioned for deploying com.konakart_22.60.0 in OpenCMS module. Not sure about the installation status, but I am getting below error while running the index.jsp

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/offline/system/modules/com.konakart/elements/NewProductsBody.jsp
KKWSEngIf cannot be resolved to a type
29: String kkImgPath = "../resources/images/";
31: // Get the products from the KonaKart engine using a SOAP call
32: KKWSEngIf eng = new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng();
33: DataDescriptor dataDesc = new DataDescriptor();
34: dataDesc.setOffset(0); // Offset = 0
35: dataDesc.setLimit(9); // We only want to get back 9 products