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September 15, 2024, 08:15:04 am

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Messages - ming

or, maybe you didn't restart tomcat after you ran the ANT task?
The error message you got is consistent with not actually running the ANT task successfully.

The message is what you would get if you had not run any ANT task at all.

After running the ANT task:

C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom>bin\ant enableWebServices
Buildfile: C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom\build.xml
Trying to override old definition of task javac

     [echo] Allow all methods in WSDD files:

Total time: 0 seconds

You should notice that the server-config.wsdd files (in the konakart and konakartadmin webapps) should have been modified.
It looks like you're trying to use JSON from your storefront portlet with the Community Edition (which doesn't support JSON).   Instead you would need to generate a portlet from your downloaded Community Edition and install that.  You should not be trying to connect to the KonaKart engine using JSON in that version.   Could it be that you've mixed up the portlet you downloaded from the Liferay Marketplace with the one you generated from the downloaded Community Edition?
No known issues;  KonaKart should run fine on DB2 10.5.
For some reason you have used -D605   (that's for Liferay 6.0.5 - not the version of Liferay you're using).

You should use -DLR6210=true
Liferay 6.2 EE GA1 is one of the platforms we test on automatically so you should be able to get it installed.

Perhaps you didn't create the portlet WAR with the right switches for the ANT task?

What did you use?

The build file supplied is really just an example.  It would be expected that you would modify to suit your own project needs.

There are some targets in the build file that might do what you want however..

Have you tried build followed by copy_app_artifacts followed by make_wars ?

If the current build file doesn't do exactly what you want you should be able to modify it easily to do what you want.
Look at the KonaKart Administration Application - you use that to administer your store.
You can simply install KonaKart, define your products, run the ANT task to create your portlets for Liferay, install those portlets in Liferay and you're done!...   follow the documentation for running the ANT task for creating the portlets.
You can start the store cloning process by first removing the row from kk_store with the storeId concerned but this doesn't remove all the data orginally associated with the storeId so proceed with caution.   You may find it easier to set the data you require for that storeId by using a custom program that uses the KonaKart KKAdminIf APIs.  That would be the approach I would recommend.
I'm not sure I understand why you don't just use the store that already has the storeId that you want?

By the way;  I believe your company has a support contract.  Please write to support@konakart.com for faster responses on this subject.
Look in the User Guide at the description of the use of the silent mode installation which you can run at the command line.  An example is provided.
you can define relationships between products.  eg. you could define "in a group with". 
Typically you would set those payment details attributes in the module code... so in your case, in com.konakart.bl.modules.payment.payflowpro.PayflowPro.java

Default settings in that module are:

       // Set the fields that should be visible in the UI when gathering Credit Card details
        pDetails.setShowType(false); // Payflow Pro doesn't require the card type
I'm not 100% sure I understand you but....

It sounds like you should look at Product Options.   On our online demo at http://www.konakart.com/konakart/ the graphics cards are examples of products with options.  See http://www.konakart.com/konakart/Computer-Peripherals/Graphics-Cards/Matrox/Matrox-G200-MMS/MG200MMS/2_1.action