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October 12, 2024, 04:22:50 am

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Messages - ming

Have you looked at the scaleImage call on http://www.konakart.com/javadoc/admin/com/konakartadmin/appif/KKAdminIf.html

If you create an image for a product by uploading it in the Admin App you will then be able to see which product attributes to populate in order to match that - which will allow you to see your loaded images in the Admin App.
QuoteI have couple of questions regarding the customization

A "couple" ?!?  I counted 4 :-)

Quote1. What are the steps to deploy Admin and App war into Liferay 6.2. How to access Admin and App ?

There are videos and docs to help you with that.   
"C:\Program Files\KonaKart\doc\LiferayPortletInstallation.pdf"

Quote2. How can i customize the Admin UI (Ex: How to remove Menu / Sub menu like Tools / Custom) ?

Read about Role-based security in the User Guide

Quote3. How to integrate new Sofort payment module ?

It's easy enough.  You take one of the existing payment modules (you get full source code) and make a copy for Sofort.    There's a tutorial in the User Guide to guide you through this process.

Quote4. How to integrate new DHL shipping module ?

Same as above for the payment module.

If you don't want to write them yourself you can write to sales@konakart.com and they will provide a fixed price quote for their creation.
The directory won't be created until you upload an image.

To find out about the image path take a look at konakartadmin_gwt.properties:

# Image Scaling
# Only relevant to the images.tab.version = 2 (new images tab introduced with v6.5.0.0)
# Default, if not specified is "big;360;360 medium;150;150 small;80;80 tiny;60;60"
# For each size defn this is   name;height;width
# This means that for any uploaded image these four images are created with the following characteristics:
# Image 1:  {product_UUID}_1_big.XXX (360x360 pixels)
#        :  {product_UUID}_1_medium.XXX (150x150 pixels)
#        :  {product_UUID}_1_small.XXX (80x80 pixels)
#        :  {product_UUID}_1_tiny.XXX (60x60 pixels)
# XXX = the original file extension (used if add_extension is not set to false - see below)
# Retaining the original aspect ratio:
# Use big;;300     to create an image with width 300 pixels and unspecified height to retain aspect ratio
# Use big;200;     to create an image with height 200 pixels and unspecified width to retain aspect ratio
# Create a version identical to the original:
# Use big;;        to create an image with the same height and width as the original

# For best results order the images definitions from large to small
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.options                    = big;360;360 medium;150;150 small;80;80 tiny;60;60

# Defines whether or not to append a period and an extension to the generated image file names:
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.add_extension              = false

# Defines how many images are displayed for editing on the Edit Product panel (default is 8)
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.max                        = 8

# Defines the depth of the directory tree used for constructing image file names (default is 4)
# If 0 is used, all images will placed in the same directory under the Image Base Path
# If >0 the file path is created by using directories named by the first n characters of the UUID
# The purpose of the directory tree for images is to avoid having too many files in each directory so
# you should choose use a high value for the depth if you have a very large number of images.
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.dir.depth                  = 4

# Defines the name of a directory that will be used to construct a filename for storing the product
# images.  This directory (defaults to "prod") will be added to the Image Base defined for the store.
# It can be left blank if you want no product image directory added at all.
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.dir.name                   = prod

To diagnose image uploading problems look at your tomcat (or appserver) log.

Try adding the log flag:
log4j.logger.com.konakartadmin.servlet        =  DEBUG

I'm not sure which version you're using, but..

In the Enterprise version there is a "Reset Database" tool that clears out all but the essential data.  See image attached.

Another approach is to install without loading the database (as you have described) then remove all the insert statements you don't want from the konakart_demo.sql script then run that.
You can use whatever images you like.   If you load images via the Admin App KonaKart will scale them into a set of defined sizes (that suit the default storefront) but you can load whatever images you like and so long as your storefront knows what the image naming convention is you'll be fine.
People use images in a variety of different ways with KonaKart but if you want to match the way the Admin App handles them (which is probably a good idea so that you can see and update the images within the Admin App later) what I suggest is to look at the columns on the products table that are set when you upload an image for a new product.   Note in particular the product_uuid and product_image_dir.

If coding the upload these utilities might be useful:


// e.g. prod/0/7/1/2/
String imgPath = com.konakart.util.Utils.constructProductImageDirName(uuid, /* dirName */"prod", /* depth */  4);

(Note how the imgPath directories are derived from the first n digits of the UUID)

You may also like to use the image scaling API:  (called scaleImage() on KKAdminIf)

http://www.konakart.com/javadoc/admin/com/konakartadmin/appif/KKAdminIf.html#scaleImage(java.lang.String, com.konakartadmin.app.AdminScaleOptions)
Looks like you need to set a valid address that USPS can successfully validate.   TaxCloud won't be able to calculate tax if it doesn't recognise the source and destination addresses.
Yes, the whole purpose of the plug-in module framework is that you can add modules of your own design... whether payment, order total or shipping...
Check out the User Guide or the online documentation at:  http://www.konakart.com/docs/CustomizableSourceCode.html#DevelopingStoreFrontEclipse

The zip file does contain java source code, just as the graphical installers do.  Look under the custom directory.
Not all FBC parameters are supported in the Community Edition.  From the konakartadmin_gwt.properties file:

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "fbc.g" parameters supported in the Community Edition
# All parameters supported in the Enterprise Feature

So if it's not an "fbc.g" parameter it will not be supported in the Community Edition.
Which version are you using?  Community or Enterprise?
The Enterprise version gives you so much more than unlimited custom attributes so you may find it cheaper, quicker and more future-proof to use that rather than develop things yourself.

However, there are plenty of custom fields available in the Community Edition.

You can also consider adding data in some kind of structured form (XML for example) in fields like the comparison data field of the product which can be used to store these domain-specific custom values.

The Enterprise version of KonaKart provides the full source code for a product creation wizard for the Admin App.  This is handy if you want to provide a simplified product entry wizard for your admin users.

I suspect that you are using the Community edition of KonaKart which does not include this.