I am new to konakart. I have integrated konakart with liferay 6.0.6 by deploying konakart portlets.
After deploying konakart portlets, I find that GWT one page checkout is not being displayed. (In Admin App,both "Enables One Page Checkout" and "Enables Checkout Without Registration" values are set to true). Instead the original shipping, payment and checkout screens are used and the user is asked to register. Please guide me regarding the same.
Also guide me regarding for customizing konakart.
Thanks in advance!
After deploying konakart portlets, I find that GWT one page checkout is not being displayed. (In Admin App,both "Enables One Page Checkout" and "Enables Checkout Without Registration" values are set to true). Instead the original shipping, payment and checkout screens are used and the user is asked to register. Please guide me regarding the same.
Also guide me regarding for customizing konakart.
Thanks in advance!