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Topics - DispatchMediaGroup

Configuration of KonaKart / Promotion - Buy X Get Y
January 16, 2013, 10:24:29 pm
I had a (hopefully) quick question for you KonaKarters out there:

One of our store admins tried to set up a BuyXGetY promo, but wasn't able to set it up quite right.  The goal was to sell Product X at normal price and then automatically add Product Y to their cart at zero price.

When setting up the BuyXGetY promo, there didn't seem to be any way to specify which product might be free or discounted.  Which makes it appear as though perhaps our understanding of that particular functionality is not quite right.  Is this something that'd be better served by setting it up as a Bundle? 

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!
Reporting / Session Expired
September 06, 2012, 05:22:30 pm
I have a specific "power user" account that's set up to allow its user to only run reports within the admin portal.

Recently, that login account does not let the suer run any report, and instead displays the 'Session Expired" page.  I've researched this a bit, and I can see that back at v5.3, the app was altered to check for a non-expired session before running a report for a user.

Well, I've logged this account out, shut down the server, deleted all records from the kk_sso, kk_cookie, and the sessions tables, but to no avail: the exact same issue persists.

I am able to log in as a different user and successfully run any report.  Looking in the logs, I'm not seeing any major (or minor, for that matter) indications as to the cause of this issue.  The only thing I see in the logs that may be of use is a Severe error for the birt webapp not releasing threads correctly.  However, I feel like I remember this log line, and I don't think it's related, especially since I can run a report from another user.

Any idea as to why this is occurring, or how I might get around it?
Hey KonaKarts,

I've upgraded to the new version of KK from 5.2...whew!  Part of that process was making all of the same custom changes we made a year or two ago when we first set up KonaKart as out eCommerce solution.

The last leg of the upgrade is the GWT alterations to the One Page Checkout (i.e. OPC) process.  This is where I'm running into problems that I'm hoping an admin or some well-learned KonaKarter can help me out with.

First off, I'm following some of my own documentation from another forum thread at http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,1527.msg6044.html#msg6044.  Please let me know if something in that thread is part of what's throwing me off.

Okay, so to the issue: in short, the GWT/OPC changes I've made, compiled, and migrated to the KonaKart server are not being picked up by tomcat - at least it seems that way.  It's like the GWT changes I've made aren't being served.

I've altered the GWTValidation class to show friendly error messages, I've altered the LoginBody file to send the customer off to a custom login page, and I've also updated the Payment method to show 'Credit Card' instead of 'Authorize.net' or some other customer-confusing text. 

I've made these changes under \<konakart>\custom\onepagecheckout and compile according to the documentation at http://www.konakart.com/docs/OPC.html.  Since I'm running a headless Linux installation, I simply call $>..\bin\kkant compile in order to skip the GUI thingy.  I've also used ant instead of kkant during my development, but it doesn't seem to make any difference - let me know if that's a dangerous/naive/ignorant assumption to have made.

Then, I copy the resulting files from war\com.konakart.Konakart to \<konakart>\webapps\konakart\, overwriting as necessary.  And then I also copied resulting files from war\WEB-INF to \<konakart>\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\

I restart KonaKart and it functions exactly like it did before.  I can see the numerous new .js and .html files, I can see the new class files at \<konakart>\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\classes\com\konakart\, and from what I know of class-loading mechanisms for Tomcat, those class files and such should be getting picked up...but they're not.

Could someone please help me figure this out?  I know I can't be that far away from success, and I know I'm not the only one struggling with this.  Please let me know if there are assumptions making me go wrong, if there are known bugs or issues, etc.  I am very appreciative of any help from fellow KonaKarts, admins, or joe-schmoes.  Thanks guys!
How can I cnfigure KK to not send Order status change emails?  I simply want an Order confirmation email to be sent and have that be it. 

Anyone know how I can configure it as such?
Installation of KonaKart / Database Upgrade Scripts
June 26, 2012, 08:51:43 pm
Hey KonaKarts,

We've been using KonaKart for about a year or so now, but have not gone through any upgrade paths.  Currently, our company is still on 5.2, but we wish to upgrade to 6.3.  I am unable to find the database upgrade scripts form all of the interstitial versions of KonaKart.

What I would like to do is perform the database upgrade steps so that I can retain all existing product, configuration, etc. settings for our store.  I would like to install a fresh copy of KonaKart, point to the upgraded and already-existing database, and then perform the few JSP modifications that we chose to do.

Can anyone provide me with a link to the various upgrade scripts?  Is it somewhere on the site and I just didn't notice?  Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
**KonaKart Version Number : (built 9:03PM 15-Jan-2011 GMT)**

Hey KonaKarts,

I thought I had seen an answer to this in change logs for newer versions of KonaKart, but I cannot seem to find the pertient information anymore.

If a customer hits refresh, F5, or presses submit more than once during an order placement, the ultimate outcome is that the customer's order is in a state of 'Declined'.  The payment information shows that payment was initially accepted, but then switched over to Declined, stating that it's a duplicate transaction. 

This outcome affects reporting, as the customer is charged through our payment gateway, but does not show up on our Order report, since their status is bad.

Is this something that is indeed resolved/mitigated via an upgrade?  If so, what version contains the fix?  Or, if it is not revolved by an upgrade, are there any tips or insights as to how I could handle this?  Any help is much appreciated, thanks!
**KonaKart Version Number : (built 9:03PM 15-Jan-2011 GMT)**

Hey All,

I'm having an issue with my Shipping Module and tax classes.  Basically, as far as I can tell, I can only apply a Per-Item Shipping rate to one tax class - this is undesirable.

I would like to apply a per-item shipping rate to all products, regardless of tax class.  I have many products, some with one tax class, and some with another tax class.  However, all of these products, if they are not free shipping, should have the per-item flat tax rate applied to them, without any regard to their tax classes.

Does anyone know how this can be accomplished?  Should I be using rate tables or some other Shipping Module?  And, of course, of this is an issue which could be alleviated by an upgrade to a newer version of KonaKart, let me know please.

Thanks for helping out!
Contributions / GWT Validation Class
October 11, 2011, 03:50:47 pm

I changed the way the validation error messages are displaying from using the field title to a paragraph element.  This inserts the error message right below the field that failed validation.  Once the field validates, the paragraph element is removed.  Let me know if there are any questions by creating a help post and sending me a direct message.

~Developers @ DispatchMediaGroup
Configuration of KonaKart / Product Option IDs
August 25, 2011, 06:51:51 pm
Hey KonaKarts,

Is there a way to make the admin app display the IDs of Product Options on the product options creation screen?
Hi KonaKarts,
    I'm having a bit of trouble here that I feel should be easily resolvable.  I'm making a web service call to my KonaKart server to get a list of all orders a specific customer has made.  Everything seems to be working okay, except that when I try to call getOrderArray(), it returns nothing.  You can see my code snippet below.  One thing to note here is that by calling getTotalNumOrders(), I can see that the WS engine does in fact know the correct number of orders, but when I try to get the actual array of orders, it gives me nothing.  Am I not utilizing the DataDescriptor correctly?

DataDescriptor descriptor = new DataDescriptor();

Orders orders = getKonaKartEngine().getOrdersPerCustomer(descriptor,
login(user), DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID);

if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Number of orders (getTotalNumOrders) ... "
+ orders.getTotalNumOrders());

        // THIS RETURNS NOTHING (i.e. 0)
LOG.debug("Number of orders (orderArray.length) ... "
+ orders.getOrderArray().length);
I've set up an implementation of the community edition of KonaKart at shop.dispatch.com, complete with a custom SSO design, custom front-end, and a small catalog, but there are still a couple of things I cannot quite figure out.

One thing I cannot figure out is how to change the formatting of dates as they appear to customers.  For example, although I was able to change the format in the Admin app to MM/dd/yyyy, I'm not finding success in having that change propagated out to a user page, like the one page checkout page when it asks for a customer's birthday.  Any ideas on that?

Also, being *completely* unfamiliar with GWT, how can I add validation messages for that screen as well?  So, if someone didn't enter their shipping state, and then they chose to attempt to continue the process, I would like to display a validation message stating whatever problems are on the page, or on a per field basis.

Along the lines of my GWT ignorance, can someone perhaps give me a quick rundown of how it's implemented in KonaKart and how I could go about adjusting some of its behavior?  I'm perfectly okay with references that can help me, too.  There are some (of course) last-minute changes that stakeholders would like to see, but I'm fairly sure that those changes will lie with the GWT code, and I, at this point, just need to figure out how to make the change(s) and move on.
Hello All,

I need to be able to implement multiple product options for the same product. I'm selling a magazine and need to be able to sell a half year and full year subscription. I'm hoping, and figuring, this isn't that big of a deal. When I search for 'models' or 'model' here in the forum I get 2 results total.

The potential pony that I also am asking for is to be able to sell two models of two different products together.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.