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Calculate the product price according to a quantity range

Started by renata, February 12, 2008, 05:29:46 pm

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I would like to set the product price according to the quantity of products the customer will buy. For example, if the user buys from 1 to 10 of a DVD he will pay 10 for each one, if he buys from 11 to 20 will pay 8 for each and so on. Can I do this in Konakart?

Thank you,



Hi Renata,

Yes you can achieve this with a custom promotion module. Actually you could do it with any order total module since they have to implement an interface that has a method called :

public OrderTotal getOrderTotal(Order order, boolean dispPriceWithTax, Locale locale)

As you can see, the actual order is passed into the method so you can go through the products of the order and based on the quantity, you can return a discount. The nice aspect about using a promotion module is that it can be configured in the Admin App and rules can be applied to it so that it becomes active only for :

  • products in some category

  • certain manufacturers

  • specified products

  • only customers that haven't placed an order since

  • type of customer (coming soon)

As an example we supply two promotion modules in the download package and you can read more about them here http://www.konakart.com/configurationfaq.php#How_can_I_activate_a_promotion_ . If you'd like us to create a custom one for you, please write to support at konakart dot com .
