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Regarding Sql server 2005 and Kona kart

Started by chirantan, September 25, 2007, 09:47:36 am

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Hi ,
I am new to this konakart .
I need one urgent help.
I just downloaded Konakart v2.2.0.6
and tried to use it with sqlser2005
but as soon as i try to insert something to Db from cart
I got cloned connection error .
So i after some research i found out that . Driver which i am having and which is inside of
konakart are different one
Like there path for driver is com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
what we have in to aceess our db is  com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

i tried to make change in the properties file and tried to replace the sqlerver jar but no
Can any body help on this.
Thanx in advance


Hi Chirantan,

We use MS SQL Server 2005 (8.00.818, SP3, Workgroup Edition) here with KonaKart with the jdbc jars in the kit.

Actually I'm surprised you found that you needed to change the drivers. 

Perhaps your URL setting is incorrect?

Please post the db parameters section from your konakart.properties file (and ensure that the same parameters are replicated in the konakartadmin.properties file)

You mentioned that you needed "urgent help".   Why is that?



hey trevor ,

Thanx for replying so fast.
Actully we are trying to use Konakart for our company's website.. so  i need to check all the details of it.

Below is the properties file.
which konakart create at the time of installation (No changes made by me) .
one more thing on inserting the data i got this error.

org.apache.torque.TorqueException: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while in manual transaction mode.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  K O N A K A R T   P R O P E R T I E S
#  For help on changing these parameters check the FAQs on http://www.konakart.com
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  D A T A B A S E   P R O P E R T I E S
#  Database Connection Parameters Set by Installer on 25-Sep-2007
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

torque.applicationRoot = .

torque.database.default                         = oscommerce

torque.database.oscommerce.adapter              = mssql
torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.driver   = com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.url      = jdbc:sqlserver://Server1:1433;DatabaseName=Sequence
torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.user     = sa
torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.password = Admin05

# Examples:

#torque.database.oscommerce.adapter             = mysql
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.driver  = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.url     = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.user    = root

#torque.database.oscommerce.adapter             = postgresql
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.driver  = org.postgresql.Driver
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.url     = jdbc:postgresql://
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.user    = root

#torque.database.oscommerce.adapter             = oracle
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.driver  = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.url     = jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbhost:1521:dbname
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.user    = dbuser
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.password= dbpassword

#torque.database.oscommerce.adapter             = db2net
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.driver  = com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.url     = jdbc:db2://leedsutd:50000/konakart
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.user    = dbuser
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.password= dbpassword

#torque.database.oscommerce.adapter             = mssql
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.driver  = com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.url     = jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://norwich:1597;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=konakart
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.user    = dbuser
#torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.connection.password= dbpassword

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  C O N N E C T I O N   P O O L   P R O P E R T I E S
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can leave the defaults
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Using commons-dbcp


# The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at
# the same time, or zero for no limit.


# The maximum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool, without
# extra ones being released, or zero for no limit.


# The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no
# available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception,
# or -1 to wait indefinitely.


# The indication of whether objects will be validated before being borrowed from the
# pool. If the object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool, and we will
# attempt to borrow another.


# The SQL query that will be used to validate connections from this pool before
# returning them to the caller. If specified, this query MUST be an SQL SELECT
# statement that returns at least one row.
# Recommended settings:
# for MySQL/PostgreSQL use: SELECT 1
# for Oracle           use: SELECT 1 from dual
# for DB2              use: SELECT 1 FROM sysibm.sysdummy1

torque.dsfactory.oscommerce.pool.validationQuery=SELECT 1

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  K O N A K A R T  P R O P E R T I E S
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The parameters to configure KonaKart
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# konakart.delete_reviews - set to TRUE to delete a customer's reviews when a
#                           customer is deleted
# konakart.delete_reviews - set to FALSE to leave a customer's reviews when a
#                           customer is deleted (default)
#                           (in this default case the customerID on the review
#                           records is set to null)
konakart.delete_reviews = FALSE

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modules available to this konakart system
# You have to add the name for the module in the right property, separate these
# with ";".  You also have to supply the class in the appropriate location - and
# these classes must implement the appropriate KonakartModuleInterface interface....
# These are:
#     KonakartPaymentInterface    - payment modules
#     KonakartShippingInterface   - shipping modules
#     KonakartOrderTotalInterface - order total modules

konakart.modules.payment = Cod;IPayment;MoneyOrder;NoChex;PayPal;Pm2Checkout;PsiGate;SecPay;Authorizenet
konakart.modules.shipping = Flat;Item;Table;Ups;Usps;Zones
konakart.modules.order_total = LowOrderFee;Shipping;SubTotal;Tax;Total

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Velocity parameters

# Full path and name of log file for error, warning, and informational messages. The location,
# if not absolute, is relative to the 'current directory'.

konakart.velocity.logfile =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# KonaKart database owner (only used by MS SQL Server currently)

konakart.database.owner = dbo

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# KonaKart Version Information

konakart.version    =
konakart.build.date = 12:30PM 6-Sep-2007 BST



Check your URL setting...

Try adding SelectMethod=cursor; just as it shows you in the example.

Can you try again with that change in both the konakart.properties file AND the konakartadmin.properties file?

Could you also ensure the owner dbo is OK for you:   (this is used in a very small number of cases to modify some queries that are specific to MS SQL Server)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# KonaKart database owner (only used by MS SQL Server currently)

konakart.database.owner = dbo



hey trevor .
I have tried all the things but it still not working in my case
I am using developer edition of Sql server 05 right . do u think
that can be a problem



Hi Chirantan,

I don't know of any reason why the developer version of SQL Server 2005 would work differently in this case, but it would be good if you could try against another version of SQL Server if you have one available.

Are you seeing any errors in SQL Server that might help to explain the problem?

This is becomming difficult to diagnose.

If you have set up both properties files correctly and have the correct jdbc jars in the classpath (have you gone back to the ones in the KonaKart kit? (msbase, msutil and mssqlserver)) it should work just like our KonaKart instances here against SQL Server.

If you have done all of those and you're still getting a problem, what is the problem?  Can you post the exception from the tomcat log?



Hello, i am new user of konakar,  i finish of instal konankar in my computer (Window), and i have  problems with the connection between konakar and mysql server 5.0, When i open the konakar admin, show me the next error:

The database connection failed for the KonaKart Administration Application. The connection was attempted with the details below. Please check the parameters and make necessary modifications to the konakartadmin.properties file which should be in the WEB-INF/classes directory of your servlet engine. The servlet engine may need to be restarted for changes to take affect.
DB Username:   123456
DB Connection String:   jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull
DB Driver:   com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
DB Error Msg:   java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user '123456'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

And i dont know why, becose i have install mysql server5.0 very well, please help me.
Have a nice Day.
Eddy R.


Hello Eddy,

Check the error message.   You don't appear to have modified the connection parameters correctly (is your database really called "dbname").

Why don't you make life easy for yourself and install using the GUI installer and do not proceed until you can provide the installer with database connection parameters that it can use successfully.

Once the installer can verify the connection parameters it will load up all the necessary tables and data in the database, set up all your properties files and leave you ready to run.

If you prefer to do it all manually you should follow these carefully:  http://www.konakart.com/installationfaq.php and http://www.konakart.com/configurationfaq.php.



Hi Heidi, tahnks for your help, i install the GUI version, but in the konakar GUI version ask me the database name, What name i have to write? ? ? becose when i was install the mysql server 5.0 i write only the user root password.
I have to create in first place the database in mysql and after install the konakar? ?

Thanks for all help...
Best regard and have a nice day.
Eddie R.


Hello Eddie,

Create the database in MySQL before running the KonaKart installation GUI then during the install replace the word "dbname" in the connection string to the name of your new (probably empty) database.

An easy way to create the database in MySql is to use the MySQL Administrator tool which is free.
