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Konakart Customization

Started by asr, January 10, 2009, 02:55:08 pm

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Hi KonaKartians,
I am creating an application for a customer including shopping cart and Konakart seems a good choice for the shopping cart. But I see Konakart (image/logo/name/message) in almost all the pages. I was just wondering, can I modify Konakart application to display my customers business name instead and still maintain "Powered by Konakart" in the footer through out the application.

Will it be legitimate to do so? Apologise for this post as I am feeling too lazy to read the Konakart license.



Yes, you can remove all references to KonaKart but you must leave on the "Powered By KonaKart" link.



Quote from: trevor on January 10, 2009, 03:02:21 pm
Yes, you can remove all references to KonaKart but you must leave on the "Powered By KonaKart" link.

What is the easiest way to accomplish this customization.
I am going to use almost the entire Kona Kart configuration, shopping cart, storefront etc. and want to use my logo and graphics.



The "Powered By KonaKart" is in the source code you download by default... it will appear if you haven't removed it...   perhaps I don't understand your question?   ???

Look at Footer.jsp

<!-- Please leave the "Powered by KonaKart" link - it's a condition of the licence -->
<td width="40%" align="center"><a href="http://www.konakart.com" target="_blank">Powered by KonaKart</a></td>


I probably should have used the entire quote as it refers to changing the KonaKart logo on the store front to my own company logo and graphics leaving the basic KonaKart storefront as is.

What would be the easiest way to do this?



I need to know the details on how to accomplish this. I want to replace (as this other inquiry states) the KonaKart logo with my own logo.

Quote from: asr on January 10, 2009, 02:55:08 pm
Hi KonaKartians,
I am creating an application for a customer including shopping cart and Konakart seems a good choice for the shopping cart. But I see Konakart (image/logo/name/message) in almost all the pages. I was just wondering, can I modify Konakart application to display my customers business name instead and still maintain "Powered by Konakart" in the footer through out the application.

What are the exact mechanics for altering the text and graphics of the KonaKart storefront?

The admin may contain these mechanisms but I have not been able to find it.

I have had success in loading my products, prices and graphics but cannot figure out how to customize the existing storefront.

Please guide myself to the instructions or spell out the procedure.




For this you have to study the JSPs...

A simple way to change the logo would be to copy your own logo over the top of the KonaKart logo (which is called logo.png in the webapps/konakart/images directory) ... and this way you wouldn't have to change any of the JSP code.


Is it possible to edit the source codes that were down loaded with KonaKart with Front Page or or word pad? All I really want to do with the storefront is change the text and possibly add another graphic or two. I would like to leave the basic storefront configuration as is. I did change the KonaKart Logo to my own by simply renaming and substituting my EnviroSales logo.

I still need to edit the storefront text so I'll need to know where  the editable source codes are located?  Where can I locate the JSP files if I need to edit them also.


Jim B


JSPs: KonaKart\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\jsp
Message Catalogs: \KonaKart\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\classes i.e. Messages.properties


Quote from: trevor on June 30, 2009, 10:39:23 am
JSPs: KonaKart\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\jsp
Message Catalogs: \KonaKart\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\classes i.e. Messages.properties

Thanks Trevor




I was editing Header.JSP, specifically the Login.Do my account section and now i cannot get the KonaKart storefront to show up, i.e. http://localhost:8780/konakart/Welcome.do

This is the text in the Header.JSP I modified, specifically the "My Accounts" line and nothing else:

<td  align="right" valign="bottom">
            <html:link page="/LogIn.do">
            <html:link page="/LogIn.do"><img src="images/header_myaccount.gif" border="0" alt="<bean:message key="header.my.account"/>" title=" <bean:message key="header.my.account"/>" width="30" height="30"></html:link>&nbsp;&nbsp;

            <html:link page="/ShowCartItems.do"><img src="images/header_cart.gif" border="0" alt="<bean:message key="header.cart.contents"/>" title=" <bean:message key="header.cart.contents"/> " width="30" height="30"></html:link>&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <html:link page="/CheckoutDelivery.do"><img  src="images/header_checkout.gif" border="0" alt="<bean:message key="common.checkout"/>" title=" <bean:message key="common.checkout"/> " width="30" height="30"></html:link>&nbsp;&nbsp;

I can't seem to return the "My accounts Line" to its original syntax.

Can someone help correct this syntax or send me the complete Header.JSP file for so I can either replace or make the correction to my original JSP. 


jbarb  ???


I get this message in Front Page when I try to edit/display the HomePageBody.jsp.

ERROR: Application resources not loaded -- check servlet container logs for error messages.

I have an idea that this error is keeping me from making changes to the index page.

How can I correct this?




I don't understand...   you say "I get this message in Front Page"....   you mean the Microsoft HTML editor?   I'm surprised that FrontPage says anything about servlet container logs.

Where exactly are you seeing this error message?



With the exception of the KonaKart warranty disclaimers and copy rights,
This is the entire text of  HomePageBody.jsp containing the "servlet container" error message.

I was able to change the "Welcome to KonaKart" to Welcome to Envirosales on this jsp but as you see nothing else.

I am also trying to change the graphics for the subcategories but cannot find the mechanism. I have inserted the gifs in the Konakart "images" folder but I obviously have not used the right path.


Jim Barber

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-logic" prefix="logic" %>

<bean:define id="kkEng" name="konakartKey" type="com.konakart.al.KKAppEng"/>

<logic:notPresent name="org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE" scope="application">
  <font color="red">
    ERROR:  Application resources not loaded -- check servlet container
    logs for error messages.

<div class="body">
      <div class="body-header">
         &nbsp;Welcome to Envirosales</div>
      <div class="body-content-div">
