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trouble sending an email

Started by john_g, September 23, 2007, 11:40:20 pm

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am a new at using Konakart. could u help me in solving this problem.

When I try to send the email using "Forgotten password" link, I see this error message on the Tomcat console.

com.konakart.app.KKException: Error sending email: Sending failed;
  nested exception is:
        javax.mail.MessagingException: Unknown SMTP host: ENTER_YOUR_SMTP_SERVER
  nested exception is:
        java.net.UnknownHostException: ENTER_YOUR_SMTP_SERVER_HERE
        at com.konakart.bl.EmailMgr.send(EmailMgr.java:419)
        at com.konakart.bl.EmailSender.run(EmailSender.java:42)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

Please, tell me how to get around this.

Greatly appreciate a quick reply.

Thanks in advance,



Hi John,

You need to configure KonaKart in order to be able to use your SMTP server. To do this, you can use the Admin App . Launch the Admin App and navigate to Configuration >> Email Options . There you will find some input fields such as SMTP Server, SMTP User etc. that need to be filled in with the details of your SMTP server.



Hey Paolo,

thank you for the piece of information.....However, I still have some problem here......

I am using Microsoft Outlook 2003 as my default e-mail service..... I have checked for the SMTP Server name and found it to be "smtp.emailsrvr.com" which I specified as SMTP server name.

I get the following error.......

com.konakart.app.KKException: Error sending email: Sending failed;
  nested exception is:
        javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp.emai
lsrvr.com, port: 25;
  nested exception is:
        java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
        at com.konakart.bl.EmailMgr.send(EmailMgr.java:419)
        at com.konakart.bl.EmailSender.run(EmailSender.java:42)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

Any suggestions?

I have another question regardiing KonaKart, I was wondering if I could run the JUnit tests, Mercury tool tests, and evalid tests.  Also, any other Black box and White box test cases on the source code.

Thank you in advance.....

-- John


Hi John,

It looks like it cannot connect to "SMTP host: smtp.emai lsrvr.com, port: 25;". I see a space in the word emailsrvr. Is this just the formatting or is there really a space ?

Regarding your testing question I'm not quite sure what you mean ? You're free to run whatever tests you like !



Hey Paolo,

By testing I mean, to test the source code that is available in the zip file. Another ques I have is, where can i download the source code of API's that the Konakart uses?

Appreciate your time.

Thanks in advance,

-- John


September 26, 2007, 08:27:06 am #5 Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 04:09:43 pm by Brian
Hi John,

All download packages contain the same level of source code.

In the KonaKart download package you get enough source code to enable you to make some major customizations. We supply the source code for all of the Struts actions, Struts forms, JSPs  and the modules (shipping, payment, order totals). We even supply the GWT source code used for the one page checkout functionality.

Our KonaKart application and our Admin applications both religiously use the KonaKart APIs for all functionality. We maintain the KonaKart engines, taking care to maintain API backwards compatibility between versions, although we extend the API as we add new functionality. This means that you can completely change the UI or even use a completely different technology to build your own storefront (i.e. see our Open Laszlo example http://www.konakart.com/konakart_cat_inspector/main.swf  ). It also means that as we come out with new versions, you should be able to update with relatively little disruption and make use of the new features of that version by calling the new functionality in the API.

We don't release the source code of the KonaKart engines because we prefer to keep those under our control in order to guarantee backwards compatibility for future versions.
