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Viability of Konakart

Started by lvfisher, September 02, 2008, 05:14:04 pm

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Being a KKNoob (and for that matter, a shooping cart noob), I don't know much about the community.

Managment here has asked me to find a shopping cart (open source) that we can extend for various things unique to our business needs.  They suggested OpenForBusiness (an Apache eCommerce project).  I thought that was swatting a fly with an Abrams tank... and found KonaKart and have extended its payment module to hit our back end for purchases (one of the specified extensions).  I found the task to be pretty intuitive and appreciated the special notes in the doc about it.

So, the reason I am posting this is that management would now like me to explain to them why we should be using KonaKart from a business perspective... questions like:

What is the user base of KonaKart?
What proof do we have that KonaKart will be around long term?
How long has KonaKart been in business?

Can someone please point me to a source for the answers to these questions and/or maybe just give me some answers  :o)

Thank you so much, for your help.



Hi Lar,

I've sent you a personal mail with replies to your questions.
