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Admin works but store doesn't

Started by bms270, May 20, 2008, 10:18:46 pm

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I followed the manual installation instruction for linux and everything went well, I can load both applications and the admin shows the products and images and I can edit them with no problem, however the store loads without the products but the category list loads on the top-left with correct numbers of items in front of them but clicking on them just refreshes the page. this happens on all the links, for example the links on the bottom like "shipping and return, contact us,..." they all just refresh the page. the only thing that seems to work fine is the "whats new" part. as It shows random product from DB and Im sure it reads the right data because when I changed the name of a product in admin, I saw the edited name there. so I dont know whats wrong with the store application. anybody any idea?
in case anybody interested to see the store here is the url:





Take a look at the Tomcat log and see whether there are any exceptions being posted.


I checked the log, but I see no error there, the only thing I see is:

(?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng

nothing else. any idea?


When I looked at your store I saw that some of the tiles are missing completely. Normally this happens if one of them throws an exception usually in the JSP code, so I'm surprised that you don't see any exceptions in the log.


Here's the catalina.out log during the initialization:

INFO: Installing web application at context path /konakartadmin from URL file:/streetsmart-admin/konakartadmin
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
20-May 18:27:54 INFO  (?:init:?) Finished Initialising Log4j
20-May 18:27:54 INFO  (?:init:?) The configuration file being used is /streetsmart-admin/konakartadmin/WEB-INF/classes/konakartadmin.properties
20-May 18:27:54 INFO  (?:init:?) Initialising KKAdmin
20-May 18:27:54 INFO  (?:initKonakart:?) KonaKart Admin V2.2.4.0 built 11:00AM 18-Mar-2008 GMT
20-May 18:27:54 INFO  (?:init:?) Finished Initialising KonaKartAdmin
20-May 18:27:54 INFO  (?:init:?) Initialising Torque
20-May 18:27:55 INFO  (?:init:?) Initialising KonaKart-Torque for org.apache.torque.adapter.DBMM
20-May 18:27:55 INFO  (?:init:?) Finished Initialising Torque
May 20, 2008 6:27:55 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer install
INFO: Installing web application at context path /konakart from URL file:/streetsmart-admin/konakart
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.digester.Digester).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
KonaKartPlugin : propertiesPath = konakart.properties
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:init:?) Finished Initialising Log4j
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:init:?) Initialising Torque with the file : /streetsmart-admin/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/konakart.properties
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:init:?) Initialising KonaKart-Torque for org.apache.torque.adapter.DBMM
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:init:?) Finished Initialising Torque
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:init:?) Initialising konakart with the file : konakart.properties
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:initKonakart:?) KonaKart V2.2.4.0 built 11:00AM 18-Mar-2008 GMT
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:init:?) Finished Initialising konakart
KKAppEngPlugin : propertiesPath = konakart_app.properties
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:readPropertiesFile:?) kkAppEng using configuration file: /streetsmart-admin/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/konakart_app.properties
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:<init>:?) KKGWTService ready and waiting....
20-May 18:27:58 INFO  (?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng
May 20, 2008 6:28:07 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 36948 ms

and when I load the application It adds the following line:

20-May 18:32:51 INFO  (?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng

I dont see any error here,...


I compared the html code with the original demo and noticed mine loads half of the page and the rest is not there, I've seen this before when something breaks in the jsp file. I agree. but dont know how to find out the exception. this happens in all pages since all the links will load this much of the page. where these components are setup? I might be able to remove them one by one to see which one throws the exception...

I think my log4j doesnt work, where is the log4j.properties file in the application? maybe I need to do sth about that...

any help?


I used the bundled tomcat and store loads fine, it couldn't load on my tomcat...



If it works with the tomcat supplied in the kit but not with your own tomcat, can you figure out the differences?

KonaKart looks for a file called konakart-logging.properties on the classpath for the logging definitions.
