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SOAP "order must contain at least one object in the status trail"

Started by despot, May 19, 2014, 08:44:39 am

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I am using the SOAP interface of the community version (that resembles http://www.konakart.com/javadoc/server/com/konakart/app/KKWSEng.html).
When I use saveOrder(java.lang.String sessionId, OrderIf order, int languageId) with an order argument that has orderTotals, shippingQuote, paymentDetails set, we get the exception "java.rmi.RemoteException: The order must contain at least one object in the status trail".
- If I place "orderStatusId = Integer.MIN_VALUE;", than I have -2147483648 set in the table. When using createAndSaveOrder I get 1 for orderStatusId.
- If I place "orderStatusId = Integer.MIN_VALUE;", than I again have no comment set in the comments column. When using createAndSaveOrder I have "Waiting for Payment" by default.
Can someone from Konakart make the saveOrder not request at least one status trail object (make the saveOrder behavior, regarding statusTrail, aligned with createAndSaveOrder)?

Kind Regards,


I would just follow the steps we take in the example code under KonaKart\java_api_examples\src\com\konakart\apiexamples . Look at InsertOrder.java .