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KonaKart gets stuck waiting for server to start

Started by pro, July 21, 2012, 05:45:05 pm

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Hey guys,

I have seen similar problems throughout the forum. Some people suggested reinstalling the software, but I am trying my luck here first to see if there are any other solutions.

The CMD console reads the following:

Using CATALINA_BASE:   "C:\Program Files (x86)\KonaKart\bin\/.."
Using CATALINA_HOME:   "C:\Program Files (x86)\KonaKart\bin\/.."
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "C:\Program Files (x86)\KonaKart\bin\/..\temp"
Using JRE_HOME:        "C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/Java/jre6"
Using CLASSPATH:       "C:\Program Files (x86)\KonaKart\bin\/..\bin\bootstrap.ja
r;C:\Program Files (x86)\KonaKart\bin\/..\bin\tomcat-juli.jar"
Waiting for the KonaKart server to start

That's where it gets stuck and doesn't do anything. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks folks!



Also: reinstall causes the same problem. The installation was successful to all accounts.


I would recommend you investigate why it doesn't start rather than re-installing.

Why don't you just look at the BAT file you're running and see what it does (the start-up BAT files are very simple to follow)

Once you've worked that out you could create a command window in the appropriate directory (in your tomcat bin directory, probably) and execute the start commands directly...     very soon you should find out why you can't start it.

I don't know what the problem is...  maybe you have some sort of firewall that's stopping it or the java set up is "bad" (I don't know what your Android java is).

You could also look in your tomcat logs to see if there are any clues.



I will try to track some of the issues. When I am trying to run Tomcat for a split second it displays the window I attached. Apparently, there is a problem with the registry and it can't find a bunch of files.

The "Android" Java is just where I installed the JRE6 to. I didn't change anything there, do I have to?

I tried running everything with firewall and AVG disabled, but the same issue still remains.

Any input is very much appreciated! Thanks guys.


to help you work out what's wrong with your environment you could cd to the bin directory and enter:

C:\Program Files\KonaKart\bin>catalina run


Have you tried setting your JAVA_HOME to a java JDK instead of a java JRE?

Do the same in the file C:/Program Files (x86)/KonaKart/bin/setJavaHome.bat


is there an edit button around here? I can't seem to find it O:)

So, okay here is what I did if anyone runs into a similar (OS: win 7):

First of all I defined the JAVE_HOME environment again.

(right click on Computer>Properties>Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables, Click New System Variables. Variable Name: JAVA_HOME, Value: JRE Installation Path).

Then, I ran the startup batch file. Reading through it, it became apparent that it wasn't able to create a necessary folder. This problem was caused by the fact (I believe) that tomcat was installed in a sub directory of Program Files (x86) and it didn't have the rights to create a folder.

Solution: Install KonaKart straight up in C:\KonaKart. Now the startup.bat opens:


However, the regular Start and Launch KonaKart app now brings me to:

http://localhost:8780/konakart/    (_msg.unknownCause )
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to localhost:8780

Thanks for your tips!