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Clean install problem

Started by gga, June 20, 2012, 06:12:15 am

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I am trying out Konakart for the first time.  I downloaded and successfully installed on my Ubuntu dev machine with a mysql database.  Everything during installation seemed smooth.  I can launch and use the admin portion of the site with no issues.  However, when I attempt to go to the public version of the site, nothing happens.  When I look at catalina.out, I can isolate the issue to the error at the end of my message.

I have done no fiddling or customization yet, just a clean, pure install.  What I am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


Caused by: com.workingdogs.village.DataSetException: Max is 1 based and must be greater than 0!
   at com.workingdogs.village.DataSet.fetchRecords(DataSet.java:526)
   at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.getSelectResults(BasePeer.java:1386)
   ... 30 more
18-Jun 07:35:10 ERROR (InsertTag.java:doEndTag:922) ServletException in '/WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp': null
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp at line 29

26: <logic:notEmpty name="konakartKey">
27:    <bean:define id="kkEng" name="konakartKey" type="com.konakart.al.KKAppEng"/>
28:    <%
29:       boolean useSolr = kkEng.getConfig("USE_SOLR_SEARCH").equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")? true : false;
30:    %>   
31:    <%if (useSolr && !kkEng.isPortlet()) { %>
32:       <script language="javascript" src="<%=kkEng.getStoreBase()%>/com.konakart.Konakart.nocache."></script>



I have to say I'm confused by this one.   Ubuntu is one of our test platforms so there should be no problem there.

Which version of java and MySQL are you using?



Those are fine.  Apart from MySQL (I'm using 5.5.24) these are what I have on the Ubuntu machine I just checked.

I'm really stumped...   We do this literally 100+ times per day on Ubuntu as part of our automated testing and we don't get this error.   

What's really puzzling is you get the Admin App to work fine but not the JSPs on the storefront.   Were there any more exceptions before the one you got?


I have attached the full error from catalina.out

I also tried it with a completely independent download and install to an AWS dev box I have and the same error occurs there.


I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning, but I get my error by going to http://localhost:9790/konakart/ which is then redirected to http://localhost:9790/konakart/Welcome.do

I assume this redirect is good


That redirect is normal.

I see that your trace refers to v6.0.0.0.   The latest version is v6.3.0.0.   Maybe you could try that.   I'm clutching at straws because v6.0.0.0 should work just fine.

I have no idea why you are getting this problem.   (We have never had this problem reported to us on on Ubuntu before and v6.0.0.0 has been out for months).

I can only imagine that there is something different about your environment but I have no idea what it could be.

How do you start the application?  What is your JAVA_HOME?  What are the contents of your bin/setJavaHome.sh  script?


updating to v6.3.0.0 didn't help.

The application is automatically started when the (re)installation is complete.  I also tried a clean install on a machine I had not installed on before and am having the same results.

JAVA_HOME = /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

bin/setJavaHome.sh (truncating comments for space):

export JRE_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
export JAVA_HOME=


Is the source available for Konakart?  I could easily debug this if I could load it in eclipse and I would be happy to contribute a patch back to the community.  I'm fairly certain there aren't any java / version issues.  The USE_SOLR_SEARCH is not being set by konakart somewhere.  I could either figure out why our handle the NULL gracefully.


I've still no idea.   I have checked various Ubuntu boxes here and there's a wide variety of settings for those java-related settings - sun JDKs, open-jdk, various versions...    and no problems.

Something very strange is happening....  but I don't know what.

You're using the wizard installer are you?

Could you try the single command line "silent mode" installation... just in case something weird is happening with the Tcl/Tk on your platform?

The User Guide explains how to run the silent mode installation (search for "Silent Mode Installations")

Remove the previous installation before you start.

In your example below you used a different port (9790).   Was there a reason for that?


In response to

"Is the source available for Konakart?  I could easily debug this if I could load it in eclipse and I would be happy to contribute a patch back to the community.  I'm fairly certain there aren't any java / version issues.  The USE_SOLR_SEARCH is not being set by konakart somewhere.  I could either figure out why our handle the NULL gracefully."

You can run an ANT task to create an Eclipse project.

I think it would be very unlikely to be a source problem because if it were we would have heard about the problem many times before now... but this is the first time we've ever had this error reported.

I think it's some kind of difference in your environments that we haven't been able to pinpoint yet.

Another possibility would be to crank up some debug logging which might provide some clues..   eg... set these in konakart_logging.properties:

# Konakart classes
log4j.logger.com.konakart                     = DEBUG

# Torque/Village Persistence layer - Set both to DEBUG to see the SQL
log4j.logger.org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer  = DEBUG
log4j.logger.com.workingdogs.village          = DEBUG