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Another databasem installation problem

Started by mark, November 11, 2007, 11:21:30 pm

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Hi all,

I'm totally new to kona cart and not a programmer, so apologies if I'm asking an obvious question.

During the install when i get to connect to database section I get this error:

Connection Parameters:
   User       = root
   Password   = ********
   Driver     = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
   Url        = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/kona?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull
Message:   Communications link failure due to underlying exception:


MESSAGE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect


java.net.SocketException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
   at com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect(StandardSocketFactory.java:156)
   at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(MysqlIO.java:276)
   at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.createNewIO(Connection.java:2666)
   at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.<init>(Connection.java:1531)
   at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(NonRegisteringDriver.java:266)
   at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
   at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
   at com.konakartadmin.db.TestDbConnection.main(TestDbConnection.java:119)


Last packet sent to the server was 20 ms ago.
SQLState:  08S01
ErrorCode: 0

Database Connection Test Failed.
Please correct the errors before running KonaKart.
You can find help in the KonaKart FAQs and in the KonaKart Forum.

All of the above is kinda meaningless to me, what I need to know is how to fix the problem.

I'm running jre 1.6

My db is located at C:\wamp\mysql\data\kona

Thanks in advance


Hi Mark,

Well, you've probably guessed that the problem is something to do with a failure to communicate with your database.

Check that you can log in to your database using the username and password that you've specified (try using a MySQL tool like Query Browser - or similar).

Is the MySQL database running?



Yeh, well I ignored the issue just to see if the install would finish.

It did.

I then found a post that said I had to make sure the jre environment variable was set correctly, so I changed that.

I can now get as far as the admin login page, which is much further than I got initially.

Although I'm still getting an error message. see below, =plus a whole screed of stuff from the tomcat window which is too long to post here.

My sql db is located in my wamp folder.

Hope this helps, as I'm feeling my way in the dark here.

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I reinstalled konacart and this time I got the successful install message.

Not sure what I did or why.

Only problem is now when the admin pages load I get blank screens.

At least before I was getting a login box, now I'm not.

Now I'm really confused.


Hi Mark,

Sounds like you're making good progress...

So you did a full install using the wizard and you saw the "SQL Executed Successfully" message at the end of that screen that shows you the SQL-loading messages?

If so, and you're using MySQL 5+, you should be fine.

I have tried refreshing your browser with the KonaKart Admin App in it?

Regards -Pete


But I'm not fine.

Just to be sure i reinstalled it yet again.

Database connection was successful, database execution was successful, but this time I actually get to see something on the admin screens.

However I still can't login with the id and password i created. How is that possible? If they worked for the database creation surely they should work for the login.

I bet if i install this again I'll get something completely different


PS Can you guess what happened? I did yet another reinstall, and got another different result.

This time I used a different id and no password for the database connection. Still worked. Still executed the database set up ok.

I also noticed in one of the first install screens yet another user id and password already set up, and they were nothing like I would ever use so i know I didn't create them, but Ii did make note of them.

This time when I launched konacart everything appeared in it's place, I was able to login using the mystery id and password i discovered.

This is all truly weird.

I daren't touch anything in case it all stops working.



I'm rather confused about what you're doing there. 

Which version of KonaKart are you installing anyway?

In v2.2.0.7 you cannot specify the admin user id during installlation - so this leads me to think you may be installing an older version.   Older versions work fine as well, but if you're just starting out you might as well use the latest.




QuoteHowever I still can't login with the id and password i created. How is that possible? If they worked for the database creation surely they should work for the login.

The database username and password are not the same as the Admin App username and password.  They are credentials for different things.




I only downloaded it a few days ago from the konacart site. I just checked the version # and it is

If you're confused, how confused do you think I am. I get a different result each install.

And yes, I did realise the db and admin passwords were different about a few moments after I posted. However, I still didn't set the actual admin user id and password that allows me to login in to konakart. They were almost hidden below the fold on the initial install boxes so I didn't see them the first couple of times. They certainly weren't obvious.

Anyway, it's all working now


For the benefit of anyone reading this thread, please note that there is an installation FAQ and within the installation FAQ there is a section explaining the default Admin App credentials that are set up during the install http://www.konakart.com/installationfaq.php#Default_Admin_App_Credentials . These credentials are new to release since this is the first version that includes role based security .

