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KonaKart OpenCMS Integration

Started by kkuser, December 10, 2011, 03:32:05 am

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I am need some help in understanding the KonaKart and OpenCMS integration.

These are the steps I followed :-
1. I have deployed konakart on tomcat server with OracleXE.
2. Deployed OpenCMS on Jboss Server with OracleXE
3. Placed the opencms_konakart.jar inside the openCMS.

From documentation I find that com.konakart_55.02.0.zip which should get deployed in openCMS.
1. IN general how do we integrate OpenCMS and KonaKart ?
    Not sure how to use com.konakart_55.02.0.zip for integration ?
2. Do we always need to invoke KonaKart engine using a SOAP call
    to get information like products/pricing/promotion.
    Do we need to reconstruct the whole KonaKart pages in OpenCMS.

I really appreciate your help in making me understand this.



Hi Ryan, Yes I have gone through the document. I want to have clarity few things such as
1. I have to run KonaKart Admin in separate app server. This konakartadmin app
shall expose few important webservice which is consumable by other apps.

2. I have to run OpenCMS in separate App Server and write JSPs that shall consume
the services exposed from the konakart admin.

Performing the activity shall make me build the whole konakart shopping cart UI
in openCMS. Today the whole Konakart shopping UI comes in konakart.war bundle.

Please correct my understanding.

Thanks in advance.