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SingleSignOn for Liferay and Konakart

Started by AD, May 14, 2011, 04:36:31 am

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Hi All,

I need some of your help regarding SingleSignOn implementation for Liferay and Konakart.

I integrated Konakart and Konakart admin within Liferay and after Login to Liferay, it should get Logged -in to Konakart portlet as well.

Can anybody please help me, that how i can make this working.

Thanking you in advance.



Actually, we are also looking for similar kind of a functionality.

In one of the old post - http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,1198.0.html
it was mentioned by 'julie' that -

In the next version we are introducing a servlet launcher where you'll be able to easily manage SSO and so obtain the functionality that you are looking for

Can any one give some information regarding the servlet launcher or some other method of achieving SSO ?
Also can in KonaKart can we programmatically and conditionally hide the login page ?
