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Why is the directory C\:/Program\ Files/KonaKart/xml_io/store1/ created?

Started by michaelwechner, February 10, 2011, 02:32:57 pm

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I have noticed that the following directory

C\:/Program\ Files/KonaKart/xml_io/store1/

is being created.

What is good for and how can it be re-configured (we are using a Linux system ;-)?




Check your definition of your "KonaKart Installation Home" Configuration variable.  (From the Admin App under "Configuration >> Store Configuration")

After a wizard installation this would be set to the installation home for the platform you are on.  If you use the manual installation this is a parameter you must set yourself.

What is it Good for?
The Installation Home configuration variable has multiple uses.
The xml_io directory in particular is used as a place to store XML imports and exports....  one use of which is in store cloning.
