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KonaKart / OpenCms Integration Module

Started by Steveinjava, December 03, 2007, 09:52:53 am

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Hi James,

In the database URL, you have to change the word dbname with the name of your database schema.

EG: You can use a tool like MySQL Administrator to create a new schema for KonaKart, called konakart.  Then the URL would be:


Leave the zeroDateTime*** on the end.  It's important for configuring MySQL functionality for KonaKart.




Thanks for your help.

I am almost there but not quite.
As you advised, I changed the dbname to Kona Kart and it worked. It took me to kona kart admin. This is where I erred. I couldn't remember the password and user name to log on to kona kart admin so I decided to uninstall and reinstall konakart. Now I am back to where I started because konakart will not establish a connection like before. Mysql has the database established and the tables are installed so that is working fine. Just cant reestablish connection during reinstall of konankart. Any suggestions? Thanks.

James Barber


Hi James,

I'm not quite sure where you've got to..  Are you part-way through another installation and you can't get it to recognise your database connection parameters?

If so, keep checking these.  If you've done it successfully once before I can't think of any reason why you can't use these again - unless there's been some kind of change to the database in the mean time (database stopped? user removed? etc)

Admin usernames/passwords: http://www.konakart.com/installationfaq.php#Default_Admin_App_Credentials
