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Error: serialization policy file not found

Started by clinton, October 26, 2007, 02:07:18 am

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Hello, I've noticed the following error in our server log, but I can't find any *.rpc files in the distribution:

kart] ServletContext.log():ERROR: The serialization policy file '/D2828CFD7DB67C
D8792DB76C642A3F08.gwt.rpc' was not found; did you forget to include it in this

kart] ServletContext.log():WARNING: Failed to get the SerializationPolicy 'D2828
CFD7DB67CD8792DB76C642A3F08' for module 'http://localhost:8080/konakart/'; a leg
acy, 1.3.3 compatible, serialization policy will be used.  You may experience SerializationExceptions as a result.|#]

How can I eliminate this error?

- Clinton


Hi Clinton,

You seem to get a lot more warnings under Glassfish than we ever see under my non-validating tomcat!  I've never seen this warning before.

I've had a quick look.  I think we do ship a 43AEABB1E9457CED949783726479856A.gwt.rpc file for the admin app but we may not be shipping one for the konakart app.

Could you please confirm?

These should appear directly under the konakart and konakartadmin webapps (alongside the large *.cache.js and *.cache.html files).

The file you refer to that I think may be missing is used in the konakart single-page checkout (a little bit of GWT AJAX code to make a nicer checkout "experience").  You can actually disable this feature in the admin app which would eliminate this warning (I think) - but you would return to a JSP impementlation of the checkout.   

One more question...  Do you get to see the single-page checkout working despite this warning in the log ?



Thanks Brian,
  the only *.rpc file I can see in the entire konakart distribtution, is under konakartadmin. Should there be an equivalent for the konakart app ?

I've only briefly looked at the admin app to date. I don't think we are using single page checkout, I'll have to get back to you on that next week.

- Clinton.


Hi Clinton,

OK, thanks for confirming that.  That's what I thought.  Next version we'll definitely ship an rpc file for the GWT single-page checkout in the konakart webapp.

I would expect that you are using the single page checkout because that's the default.   (To check you could use the Admin App or check the value (configuration_value) for the 'ONE_PAGE_CHECKOUT' (configuration_key) in the database - configuration table -- if 'true' you're using one-page checkout.

This is related to our moving to the latest release of GWT in the release.

Can you let us know if the checkout still works despite this warning in the log?  (I think it should still work)

Have a good weekend;   :)



October 29, 2007, 05:04:41 am #4 Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 04:51:48 am by clinton
Hello Brian,
  I've checked the database configuration table and our ONE_PAGE_CHECKOUT is true.
I can drive the app through to the "Payment" screen, and even place a successfull order using cash-on-delivery.

Look forward to the rpc file in the next release.

- Clinton


Hi Clinton,

Just to confirm that we've corrected the package-building to include that rpc file from version onwards.

Glad it appears to be working despite the messages in the log.
