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Product Quantity (aggregated)

Started by chloeloves, February 24, 2010, 06:26:59 pm

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What is the most efficient way to retrieve a products aggregated quantity?

In other words, if a product has multiple options, is there an out of the box way to retrieve the sum of the product option quantities.

Right now I am performing somewhat of a hack to get this.

public static int getAggreatedStockLevelsForProduct(KKEngIf engine, ProductIf product) throws KKException {
if(product == null) return 0;

int productQuantity = 0;
OptionIf[] opts = product.getOpts();

if(opts!= null && opts.length > 0){
for(int i=0; i<opts.length; i++){
        OptionIf option = opts[i];
        StringBuffer encodedString = new StringBuffer();
            ProductQuantityIf quantity  = engine.getProductQuantity(encodedString.toString());
            productQuantity += quantity.getQuantity();
}else {
productQuantity = product.getQuantity();
        return productQuantity;

I would like to know the quantiy available for a given product on the category page, so I am afraid that if a category has a large amount of products, the above method call for each product would slow things down.

Thanks in advance.



What you could do is to create a custom API call . Within this API call you could implement a single query on the products_quantity table that sums the quantities for all records where products_id == x .