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How to compile the examples

Started by BruceLee, October 18, 2007, 02:20:38 am

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Dear Team,

I noticed there is build.xml for soapexamples.

Do you also provide an easy way to compile other examples like InsertOrder, using POJO API?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Bruce,

We don't provide a build.xml for those particular examples but could add one in a future release.  It would not be hard for a developer to create one and copy the resulting class files to where he wants them.



We pulled the KK libs, and InsertOrder sample code to our app. The compilation was OK. However we got errors when running it:
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com.konakart.bl.modules.shipping.flat.Flat, locale en
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com.konakart.bl.modules.payment.chronopay.Chronopay, locale en

I checked kk admin, the Shipping and Payment modules are all enabled and Order is 0. Attached our test .java and Tomcat logs. We'd really appreciate your ideas!  8)



Hi Bruce,

It looks like your program cannot find the properties files for the modules.

Make sure they're on your classpath.

You'll find them under the webapps in the standard product.
eg: the Authorize.Net properties files are here:




It rocks! :D
Now the only thing is I need to figure out how to auto copy /WEB-INF/classes/com/konakart to Tomcat webapps at deployment time. We use 'ant deploy'

Thank Brian saving us bunch of time.


Hi Bruce,

I'm happy to see that our Forum support is helping you to move forwards. Please send us a link as soon as you have something up and running so that we can include it in our "Live Sites" section and don't forget to leave the "Powered by KonaKart" link at the bottom of your page  :)

