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Programming of KonaKart / Re: Creating Promtion By API a...
Last post by julie - February 07, 2018, 05:15:05 pm
Depending on the promotion being used, KonaKart allows you to define how the attributes of the promotion are interpreted. You need to take a look at custom\modules\src\com\konakartadmin\modules\ordertotal\totaldiscount\TotalDiscount.java to see how the custom attributes of the promotion object are mapped.

e.g. Minimum Order Value is mapped onto custom1
Programming of KonaKart / Creating Promtion By API and s...
Last post by HappyHippo - February 07, 2018, 11:17:42 am
I am creating promotion using AdminPromotion and setting setOrderTotalCode("ot_total_discount");

AdminPromotion promotion = new AdminPromotion();

On admin contol panel i can see the promotion created with correct promotion type but "Minimum Order Value", "Min total quantity" , "Min quantity for a product", "Discount Type" etc. field of Total Discount module are not set. 

How can i give these value at the time of creating promotion and attach these to the promotion through API?

Thank you very much in advance.
Programming of KonaKart / Re: getOrdersPerCustomer metho...
Last post by julie - December 06, 2017, 11:36:24 am
Not really. As I said you need to do some work to see where the time is being spent. I'd start by seeing how long the DB is taking to return the data.

Programming of KonaKart / Re: getOrdersPerCustomer metho...
Last post by giacomokk - December 06, 2017, 10:26:31 am
Hi Julie, do you have news?


Programming of KonaKart / Re: how to update a product
Last post by julie - November 29, 2017, 04:11:03 pm
You pass an array of description objects. One for each language.
Programming of KonaKart / Re: getOrdersPerCustomer metho...
Last post by julie - November 29, 2017, 11:47:21 am
I would analyze whats taking up the time. i.e. Database, code or transmission of results.
Programming of KonaKart / getOrdersPerCustomer method ve...
Last post by giacomokk - November 28, 2017, 03:34:43 pm
Hi, i'm trying to get all orders for the logged in customer using kk web services in this way:

KKWSEngIf eng = new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng();

it works, but i see that is very slow for acquiring a list of 50 orders, it takes about ten seconds!

I'm using konakart

Can you help me?



Programming of KonaKart / Re: how to update a product
Last post by sachchidanandm31 - November 28, 2017, 02:10:58 pm
Thanks julie for the update,

Can we pass each language id in editProductswithOption() service. We have 4 language defined at konakart admin end. I want to update each product language tabs.

Could you please suggest me the same.

Programming of KonaKart / Re: how to update a product
Last post by julie - November 28, 2017, 11:03:28 am
You can use the KKAdminIf API call, editProductWithOptions().
Programming of KonaKart / Re: how to update a product
Last post by sachchidanandm31 - November 27, 2017, 10:40:39 am

I want to update my product from api/services for all language in konakart. Could you please tell me the service name which updates automatically in all language corresponding to product.

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