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Messages - Sony George

Hello Trevor,

       any updates ??

thanks and regards
Hello Trevor,

I need Mobile no. and land line No. as part of the address book ,
but now, in konakart, telephone no. is part of customer

here in india, the typical scenario of a courier company is

1) from shopping cart Item is passed to courier company with address and telephone nos, (both mobile and land line)
2) courier company delivers the item to the local branch at customer's area,
3) the local courier company branch calls up customer on his mobile no. to locate his house/flat, if mobile no. fails, calls on his land line
4) courier company delivers the product to the customer

So with the address book, i need telephone nos.
for this i edited the custom fields in NewAddrBody.jsp , EditAddrBody.jsp and RegisterCustomerBody.jsp and saved these values to
addrees_book table, so now i needed this custom fields in Address Format

another scenario is,
if the customer want to gift the item, then the phone no. needed by the courier company is of the shipping address
not of the customer's telephone no.

thanks and regards

I want to reflect address custom fields in my address format,
so in the konakartadmin --->Localizations -->AddressFormats
i added a new address format, this is the format

$firstname $lastname$cr$streets$cr$city, $postcode$cr$state, $country$cr$custom1$cr$custom2$cr$custom3

then i assigned this address format to my Country India in Locations/Taxes--->Countries

restarted the server, then logged into konakart, but my address are comming in this format

Sony George
PuthenCruz, 682308
Kerala, India

ie: the custom1, custom2 and custom3 are not replaced....

NB: I have saved values to address custom fields

i tried the variables $custom1, $addressCustom1, $addcustom1, $addCustom1 etc.... none of this worked

is any other things, i have to do to achive this

thanks and regards
Quote from: trevor on June 15, 2009, 11:06:46 am
In most cases, before going into production, you may want to narrow down the number of countries that you will ship to or that you will accept registrations from so you'll probably end up editing these JSPs.

thanks , this is what i wanted ......

that u so much....


This question is to the konakartians,
In NewAddrBody.jsp and EditAddrBody.jsp, you have hard coded the country names,

<html:option value="1">Afghanistan</html:option>
<html:option value="2">Albania</html:option>
<html:option value="3">Algeria</html:option>
<html:option value="4">American Samoa</html:option>
<html:option value="5">Andorra</html:option>...............

but in RegisterCustomerBody.jsp file you are fetching from the database and displaying...

<html:select name="RegisterCustomerForm" property="countryId">
<html:option value="-1"><bean:message key="register.customer.body.select"/></html:option>
<%com.konakart.appif.CountryIf[] countries = kkEng.getEng().getAllCountries();
if (countries != null)
for ( int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++)
com.konakart.appif.CountryIf country = countries;%>
<html:option value="<%=Integer.toString(country.getId())%>"><%=country.getName()%></html:option>

My Question is,
  Is there any specific reason for this ??? fetching from database will minimise the code, and look good..

if this question is foolish, please do forgive...

I would like to know if konakart have a bug tracking tool.
i did not see any link / info about the bug tracking tool in www.konakart.com

if konakart do not have any, then i would recommend
The Bug Genie  http://www.thebuggenie.com/
a very nice bug reporting tool

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Konakart in Arabic
June 12, 2009, 01:59:38 pm

Quote from: heidi on May 10, 2009, 07:20:57 am
The http://www.hyperbazar.com/ store shows right to left text.

http://www.hyperbazar.com/ achieved this by editing the skin_style.css and entering the following css style in the body
body {
  background: #ffffff;
  color: #000000;
  margin: 0px;
  direction: rtl;
but this method is not recommended because it is a permanent change, your site will be always Arabic, you cannot attract international customers who don't know Arabic,

the permanent and best option is to edit MainLayout.jsp and edit the < html > tag, instead of the < html > tag, use struts html tag < html:html lang="true" > </html:html> , when this tag is used struts will change from left to right according to the user's browser's locale

and then if you want to edit the css according to your need then change the line

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="styles/skin_style.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="styles/<%=request.getLocale().getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("ar")?"skin_style_ar.css":"skin_style.css"%>"/>

so that if locale is Arabic then skin_style_ar.css is applied for Arabic user and skin_style.css for English users

Quote from: heidi on May 10, 2009, 07:20:57 am
Yes the first step is to provide translations in the properties files.

yes after doing the above you have to translate the properties files and name it according to it
for example
Messages_ar.properties for all Arabic countries or
Messages_ar_AE.properties for UAE

after doing the above, the users who log to your shop from UAE will get Arabic shopping cart and users who log from USA or UK
will get English shopping cart

yes, i am also have the same problem, it keeps growing for long if we edit the address book again and again and again
Quote from: julie on June 11, 2009, 04:02:51 pm
When you added them to the JSP, did you add the value attribute ?
<html:text name="RegisterCustomerForm" property="addressCustom1" value="<%=addr.getCustom1()%>"/>

Mea culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa...... :-[  i did not add value="<%=addr.getCustom1()%>"

I want to reflect this custom fields in my address format, so in the konakartadmin --->Localizations -->AddressFormats
i added a new address format, this is the format
$firstname $lastname$cr$streets$cr$city, $postcode$cr$state, $country$cr$custom1$cr$custom2$cr$custom3
then i assigned this address format to my Country India in Locations/Taxes--->Countries

restarted the server, then logged into konakart, but my address are comming in this format

Sony George
PuthenCruz, 682308
Kerala, India

ie: the custom1, custom2 and custom3 are not replaced....

i tried the variables $custom1, $addressCustom1, $addcustom1, $addCustom1 etc....

is any other things, i have to do to achive this ???

thanks and regards
Quote from: trevor on June 09, 2009, 06:21:08 am
Take a look at any one of the Jsp files that shows dynamic data (i.e. EditAddrBody.jsp)
to see how object attributes are displayed. RegisterCustomerForm already contains the custom fields.

Dear Admin,
from you hint, i edited NewAddrBody.jsp, EditAddrBody.jsp, to include mobile, land line and email fields
then edited the message.properties, edited the EditAddrSubmitAction.java and NewAddrSubmitAction.java,
to insert above values to database and edited validation.xml for validation too...
and data is being inserted into the database, i verified by query from address_book table

thank you so much for your help.  :D

but now the inserted values are not populated.  when i try to edit again, addressCustom1 ,addressCustom2 ,addressCustom3 are empty,
i tried my level best, not to disturb you again, and looked in to the action classes,
AddressBookAction.java and verified that kkAppEng.getCustomerMgr().populateCurrentCustomerAddresses(false); is being called.
also looked into EditAddrAction.java

do i have gone in wrong path anywhere ???

thank you for your time and effort
Quote from: trevor on June 07, 2009, 09:27:23 pm
Can't you just use one of the custom address fields ?

i am new to konakart, in KonaKart_User_Guide.pdf, i could not see any info to make the custom address fields visible in the GUI. can u please guide me, what to do, how to do steps, docs, to enable this option. ??

i am also facing the same problem, there is no use in an shipping or billing address with out phone no.
because now a days, every courier service need phone no, and for konakart there is no option to save telephone no with address

if you have found out the solution , please post it here
