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Messages - kameraad759


I get the following error, when uploading a product image.

There has been a problem with the upload
Exception Message = Access to file:/E:/myshop/webapps/konakart/images/prod/F/F/2/5/FF252FEA-5071-4812-BFD0-D1AC66606F1D_1_UPLOADED.jpg is not permitted []

My DB is named myshop and also the base directory is myshop. The rest is default

What can I do?

Its a long time ago, I hop you read this post.

But can you tell me how web.xml is like and the config file? Like this:



and the config.txt like:


I have no succes with it, but I think I made a mistake.

Programming of KonaKart / Hide konakart in URL link
January 11, 2021, 01:47:12 am

When I use Store front, I see always something like this:


I do not want to see konakart. I want like this:


Just this seems to be the root of the website.

How can I configure this? Maybe with a hide a part of the link. Can you help me?

Anyone? Somebody? Marco? Brian?

Just a simple answer. In wich class and method is the rounding of the value of the currency, before saving in database. The current rounding is 5 before and 5 after the decimal point. I am interested in the rounding after the decimal point. Where is it?

In which (konakartadmin) class is the format of the currency (eq. 15,6) defined. I changed the field for the currency value in the database from 15,6 to 15,10, but in the admin app , there is a rounding of 5 digits after the point.

Example: In the Admin APP Currencies. I give 1.123456789, but it is rounded to 1.12346. Still 5 digits (not even 6!). Where in a class is defined there is a rounding for 5 digits for the currencies?

Thanks in advance for helping or given me a hint.
I see and get it. Thanks
Wich cteated jars?

I use IDR as default currency. The currency is at the moment approx 17000 (1 Euro). If I set IDR as default and that currency field is 1, then I have to set the currency field for Euro on 0.0000588235 (1/17000). With the current setting in the Database (15,6), it is not possible to set the correct currency. I changed the field in 15,10. Thats working, the prices are displayed correctly in the Storefront. But when I edit the currency in the Admin.Currency tool, the give currency wil be stripped again to 6 digits after the decimal. Somewhere in a class or source (AdminCurrencyMgr) this happens.

How can I change it to put a currency like 0.9123456789? Better if Konakart use the default currency field as "per currency value". Let say the currency value would be 10000, and in my example the Euro currency would be 0.588235. So no DB change is needed.

a) Can you change in a class or source that there is no stripping for 6 digits after the decimal separator?


b) Can you change the default currency field ad "per currency value"?

For now I have to change the currencies directly in the Database. Not handy.


I changed C:\Konakart\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\classes\Messages_en.properties, and also for the other languages. Added:
my.returns.page.message=This is the Return field

I changed C:\KonaKart\custom\appn\src\com\konakart\actions\ReturnsAction.java. Changed the line:
returnsContent = kkAppEng.getMsg("common.add.info");
returnsContent = kkAppEng.getMsg("my.returns.page.message");

I installed Eclipse, installed Tomcat 9,created kkeclipse within Konakart, imported kkeclipse.

when I run the project, I see the storefront, but no changes in the Returns or AboutUs fields.
Did a clean project and build project. Again no difference in AboutUs ir Returns.

How do I compile the new java sources in Eclips? I do not see the changed java scripts in the project. Where in Eclips should be the sources? so it build the right new storefront.

I only want the new compiled AbiutUsAction.java. I can inject it in the jar kobakart-custom9.4.0 jar.

what are the right steps?


Installed Eclipse, Tomcat 9.0 server, create kkeclipse and imported in Eclipse. When run I get the following error (see att.)error.txt.

How can I run Konakart in Eclips?
I want a English and Germans text for Return, AboutUs and other messages. Directly in the JSP is no options. Language text is dependent on the settings. So how do I do it?

The running web application does not look at the C:\KonaKart\custom directory. So any changes made in the src directory are not seen in the output. So there must be another step to make.

Please help me with this, so I do understand how this works.
