If I want some shipping methods for an unique order, do I have to create some Order objects which have their own shipping method ? Or can I add some shippingQuotes to the Order for a list of ordered products ? (For example an order with three products, i would like to have pickupinstore for product#1, and flat rate for product #2 and product#3).
It looks that in database all shipping infos are stored in orders table and one order has only one shipping method.
If I want some shipping methods for an unique order, do I have to create some Order objects which have their own shipping method ? Or can I add some shippingQuotes to the Order for a list of ordered products ? (For example an order with three products, i would like to have pickupinstore for product#1, and flat rate for product #2 and product#3).
It looks that in database all shipping infos are stored in orders table and one order has only one shipping method.