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Topics - clinton

Programming of KonaKart / Duplicate sessionId created
October 27, 2009, 05:53:01 am
  we are getting several "Duplication sessionId created" warnings, generated from SecurityMgr.java:login:148, using konakart v3.2.0.0.

The full warning text is: " Duplicate sessionId created. We advise to clear out old sessions using the admin app since thi will affect performance."

Is the affect on performance the extra time required to recalculate and persist a sessionId, in the event of a duplicate? Or something more sinister?

I've checked our session table and we have 45,000 (!!!) sessions. What causes these sessions to accumulate and what can we do to reduce this build-up from occurring?  I know there's an admin function to remove old sessions, but I'm trying to understand the root cause, eg: is this a side effect of a Denial of Service attack?

-- Clinton
  just wondering if there are plans to put some Manifest.mf version information in eg: konakart.jar?

Apologies if it's there already, we are using an older version - hard to tell exactly which version, since it's not in the manifest ;-)

This would make it easy for users to identify which version of the engine they are using, for customised installations.  Or is there an easier way?

-- Clinton
Programming of KonaKart / copyright
June 24, 2009, 04:39:59 am
Hi there,
  konakart is distributed under the terms of the Lesser GPL, which enables other companies to customise konakart and on-sell it (thankyou).

What's confusing me is the code under the konakart/custom/ directory, which contains a copyright notice:

// (c) 2006 DS Data Systems UK Ltd, All rights reserved.
// DS Data Systems and KonaKart and their respective logos, are
// trademarks of DS Data Systems UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
// The information in this document is free software; you can redistribute
// it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.

Can I have some guidance on how developers are meant to deal with this copyright notice, given we are potentially modifying these source files to suit our own purposes?  Eg: the copyright claims "no warranty" but a commerical offering would have a warranty...

I'm a developer not a lawyer. One possible solution would be to remove the above copyright from the custom source code, on the understanding the code is there to be modified...

-- Clinton
Hello, do the good folk at konakart consider the duplicate jars inside the zip distribution to be a problem?

Removing these duplicates will eliminate a potential source of error as well as shave dozens of Megabytes off the overall file size.

I understand this is probably done for convenience and because "disk space is cheap" but given the distribution file size has now exceeded 100Mb you might want to consider a mitigation strategy for the future.

Eg: com.ibm.icu_3.8.1.v20080530.jar exists under konakart/webapps/birtviewer/WEB-INF twice... 4.1Mb
4 instances of axis.jar
3 instances of db2jcc.jar
3 instances of ojdbc14.jar
All of the above are over 1Mb each. So if you were to reduce all the duplicates above that's an immediate saving of approx 14Mb.

One possible way to manage this would be to define some sort of common directory and let the install procedures make copies of the files.  And/or use ant to manage the dependencies. 

Just a suggestion.
We believe there is an error with the Oracle update script: konakart/databases/Oracle/upgrade_2.2.0.6_to_2.2.0.7.sql

The error prevents anyone from logging in to the admin app.  A sample of the error is:

  INSERT INTO kk_role_to_panel (role_id, panel_id, can_edit, can_insert, can_delete, date_added) VALUES (kk_role_seq.nextval,  1, 1,1,1,sysdate);

Since kk_role_seq.nextval is used, this results in an ascending no. of role_id's, whereas there are only 4 roles defined. The MySQL update script shows the real intent:

  INSERT INTO kk_role_to_panel (role_id, panel_id, can_edit, can_insert, can_delete, date_added) VALUES (1, 1, 1,1,1,now());

Many thanks to my colleague Tim for helping fix this problem and for creating the attached ammended upgrade script, which allowed us to login using the admin@konakart.com user.

Some extra doco on this subject would have been helpful, unless I missed it?

- Clinton
Hello, I've noticed the following error in our server log, but I can't find any *.rpc files in the distribution:

kart] ServletContext.log():ERROR: The serialization policy file '/D2828CFD7DB67C
D8792DB76C642A3F08.gwt.rpc' was not found; did you forget to include it in this

kart] ServletContext.log():WARNING: Failed to get the SerializationPolicy 'D2828
CFD7DB67CD8792DB76C642A3F08' for module 'http://localhost:8080/konakart/'; a leg
acy, 1.3.3 compatible, serialization policy will be used.  You may experience SerializationExceptions as a result.|#]

How can I eliminate this error?

- Clinton
Programming of KonaKart / Duplicate images
October 26, 2007, 12:07:01 am
Are the duplicate images in konakart really necessary?
I'm a bit confused as to why they exist.

Eg: in konakart/de_DE/buttons/


Which also appear in konakart\webapps\konakart\images\de_DE\buttons. The same exists for en_GB and es_ES.

Would it be simpler and tidier to remove such duplicates?

- Clinton
Programming of KonaKart / web.xml dtd
October 24, 2007, 08:36:31 am
In konakart (client) 2.2.07, the top of the web.xml looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

This is a problem because the <listener> element is only defined in the 2.3 dtd. When we ran this under Glassfish, it generated parsing errors and refused to deploy the konakart app.

Altering the web.xml to use the following dtd solved the parsing error:

<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">;

If your web.xml is validated you might run into a similar issue...

- Clinton

Feature Requests / log4j duplicate
October 24, 2007, 08:22:11 am
Does Konakart really need two different log4j jars in it's lib/ dir?
Not sure if it's problematic, but this could cause clashes/conflicts.

In there is :


It would be reassuring to developers to see only one jar. Or at least understand why there are two.

  using the new 2.2.07 release, I have cobbled together my own konakart.war file using a custom ant build and deployed under Glassfish 9.0_01.

The app seems to work ok, but on each page transition (ie: navigation to a different page), Glassfish's server.log is reporting:

ef381231-441e-4eeb-bc8a-8e8d5e490353;|Unable to set character encoding UTF-8 because request parameters have already been read, or ServletRequest.getReader() has been called|#]

Short of using a debugger or enabling struts debug, I'm not sure how to debug this further.  In this app I haven't deployed a log4j.properties yet.

Can anyone cast some light on why this warning might be occurring?

Feature Requests / Konakart jars
October 17, 2007, 07:58:13 am
Would it make things easier if the konakart-app.jar was split into two, with one jar containing non-customisable classes, whereas the second jar could contain all the Actions and Forms for which we currently have the source code?

Developers may want to provide their own customisations of the struts Actions and Forms, but currently these are bundled into konakart-app.jar alongside non-customisable classes.  This means developers wishing to customise the default Actions must either modify the jar, overriding classes as desired, or recreate/repackage the jar.  It could be a cleaner separation of concerns if we had a jar containing only customisable classes (ie: for which we have source code).