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Topics - sashwill

Is there a way to remove the namespace from all the links that are generated?
for example:
When i click the my account button, the url generated is as follows:

i would like to get rid of the _ns:..._/  if there is anyway to do it.

konakart is running as a stand alone portlet and there is only one instance of it in our portal.

Programming of KonaKart / whos online
December 11, 2009, 04:47:11 pm
How does the whos_online table get populated?
What would be the best approach to make certain products visible to only a cetain customer group?
I'm currently still using version 2.2.6.
Contributions / Maven webservices pom
May 06, 2009, 08:24:48 pm
Attached is a file for a maven project in netbeans to generate the webservices from the WSDLs
I've been able to isert a new product into a customer's basket, but i can't figure out how to update the session so the customer can see the inserted item.  I'm sure the item is there because if i click the update button while on the cart contents it shows up just fine. 
Can i force an update from the soap calls?
Programming of KonaKart / Discount module
April 24, 2009, 04:14:01 pm
Has anybody written a quantity discount module that changes the price at the line item level instead of the order total like the one that comes with Konakart?

To the kona experts:
Is there an easy way to modify the existing module?
Programming of KonaKart / Shipping addresses
April 08, 2009, 07:52:53 pm
I'm want to create a shipping module that is for customer pick up, therefore it would not be using one of the customer addresses.
How would i go about storing this address and if they select pick-up it would auto-magicly populate the pick-up address into the delivery field?
Programming of KonaKart / Import export tool
March 20, 2009, 09:26:49 pm
I'm using the import_export tool but I have found that it will not allow me to place a product into more than one category like I can do from the admin app.  Am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation of the tool.
(I am still using ver 2.2.6)
Using KonaKart as a Portlet / Portal RoleManager
November 11, 2008, 05:06:59 pm
I can't seem to find a way to get the Jetspeed RoleManager.

I've tried to follow the steps outlined at:
but i get hung up in a couple spots...
QuoteEdit the jetspeed-portlet.xml found in src/webapp/WEB-INF/

roleManager = (RoleManager) getPortletContext().getAttribute(

can't seem to find the jetspeed-portlet.xml, would i just add one and if so is there any config that needs done

then on the Role manager code how do i get the portlet context since this is not a  javax.portlet.ActionRequest?
QuoteOrderIf order = kkAppEng.getOrderMgr().getCheckoutOrder();
            OrderProductIf[] op = order.getOrderProducts();
            for (OrderProductIf a : op) {
                System.out.println("custom1 =" + a.getCustom1());
                System.out.println("custom2 =" + a.getCustom2());
                System.out.println("custom3 =" + a.getCustom3());
                System.out.println("custom4 =" + a.getCustom4());
                System.out.println("custom5 =" + a.getCustom5());

Looking at the above code, the order.toString() prints all the custom values for the order but not for the product and I've verified that the orders table in the database contains the values.  However all println prints all the custom values as null while other things such as name and price and quantity are correct.  Can someone tell me why?
How do I save the payment details in the database?
After the order is created in CheckoutConfirmationSubmitAction, the payment details are blank.( cc_type, cc_owner, custom1, custom2) as I believe they should be because nothing has been entered yet.  I go through the payment module I wrote to gather the required info and it shows up if I do a order.toString(), but it never makes it to the database.  I tried adding the following:
int orderId = kkAppEng.getOrderMgr().saveOrder(/* sendEmail */false);   
but neither modifies the order in the database.
What am I missing?

Programming of KonaKart / payment module selection
October 27, 2008, 09:39:18 pm
Is it possible to present a different list of payment modules depending on who the customer is or what group they belong to?
Programming of KonaKart / vendor punchout
October 27, 2008, 09:15:46 pm
How would you go about doing a punchout?

We want to be able to have a user click on a link that takes them to the Dell website, they build the computer on the Dell site and then  the order is placed by importing it back into the Konakart? 

Does this sound doable?

I have placed over 300 test orders and the count is correct on the Order history page:
QuoteDisplaying 1 to 10 (of 302 orders)

When I click next it goes to the set of orders:
QuoteDisplaying 11 to 20 (of 302 orders)

But then it continues to display this same set of orders over and over with each click
QuoteDisplaying 11 to 20 (of 302 orders)

Can someone check to see if this will display all the orders on their system?
In other words, is this a bug or something I created during modifications?
Programming of KonaKart / performance and catalogs
October 14, 2008, 02:10:30 pm
We are still considering the use of Konakart however these concerns were brought up at our review meeting. 

Would the Konakart experts be able to take a moment to address these questions?

How difficult is it to have multiple catalogs? We feel the single catalog limitation may be a problem. It could possibly limit our options in the future or add unwanted complexity in order to achieve the desired results. Or perhaps we are stuck in old ideas, how do you suggest we handle multiple vendors, each with thousands of items?

Is there a recommended maximum of inventory items? What is the maximum number of items that have successfully been tested in inventory while still achieving satisfactory results?

Is it possible to special order "non-catalog" items?  Konakart's main purpose for us would be to sell inventory from our warehouse, however we also buy parts on an as-needed basis. Is it possible to create a free-form order item?

Thank you in advance.
Feature Requests / SKU search
September 18, 2008, 04:09:22 pm
Any plans to implement an SKU search for the customer(if so, when?), or should I just plan to use the custom1 field.
KonaKart Gurus,

Is it possible to take a completed order, turn it into an xml document, and send it to another system.  If so, how(which api calls) and where would you recommend implementation?

Thanks for your help

Using KonaKart as a Portlet / Konakartadmin
September 15, 2008, 08:34:25 pm
I'm working with konakart running as a portal with the konakartadmin running as a web app and I have been unable to use the Customer-login in the admin app
I get a 404 error.

konakartAdmin is accessed by going to this URL: http://localhost/konakartadmin/#kk_panel_status  (I have to use localhost because I'm still in development and is not accessible from the public.  URL are given only as a troubleshooting aid)

From the configuration page - Admin App Configuration:

Base URL for logging into the App :  http://localhost/konakartadmin/AdminLoginSubmit.do

Error is get
URL it tries to reach : http://localhost/konakartadmin/AdminLoginSubmit.do?id=55&sess=8bf64c71fe677c2eb007318000978a47
HTTP Status 404 - /konakartadmin/AdminLoginSubmit.do
type Status report
message /konakartadmin/AdminLoginSubmit.do
description The requested resource (/konakartadmin/AdminLoginSubmit.do) is not available.

Should this work if the konakart is running as a portal while konakartadmin is running as a web app. If so can you see what i've done wrong?
Programming of KonaKart / Multiple payment methods
September 10, 2008, 06:11:56 pm
Is it possible to assign a different payment method to each line item of an order?

When ever I try to view an item in the customer cart, i lose the header from the page and the
custId = this.loggedIn(kkAppEng, null); from ShowProductDetailsAction is returning -1; and there is no portlet info contained in the navigation bar of the browser like in the jetspeed demo site.  Upto this point everything has been working smoothly.

--konakart/jetspeed site


Has anybody else had this happen? Does anyone know why this might happen?