Dear all,
In chapter 8 of the online documentation there is a chapter on the topic "Switching to Database Messages". I like the idea to be able to maintain the messages by the KonakartAdmin front end.
The documentation describes very well how to convert the message fles into a message table within Konakart database. Also the documentation describes that a configuration value must be switched to true.
What I do not understand is:
in the jsp's a bean:message is being used to retrieve the desired message. Once the configuration value has been set to true, will this bean:message statement retrieve he message from the database table ?
the same kind of question applies to accessing the resource bundle, i.e.
ResourceBundle res =
String labelOK = res.getString("OK_TEXT");
is there an automatic switch to database table messages ?
and what about the Konakart api getCatMessage. Will this api make the right decision to access either the resource bundle or either the database message table ?
In chapter 8 of the online documentation there is a chapter on the topic "Switching to Database Messages". I like the idea to be able to maintain the messages by the KonakartAdmin front end.
The documentation describes very well how to convert the message fles into a message table within Konakart database. Also the documentation describes that a configuration value must be switched to true.
What I do not understand is:
in the jsp's a bean:message is being used to retrieve the desired message. Once the configuration value has been set to true, will this bean:message statement retrieve he message from the database table ?
the same kind of question applies to accessing the resource bundle, i.e.
ResourceBundle res =
String labelOK = res.getString("OK_TEXT");
is there an automatic switch to database table messages ?
and what about the Konakart api getCatMessage. Will this api make the right decision to access either the resource bundle or either the database message table ?