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October 13, 2024, 05:17:06 pm

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Topics - ReneA

Dear all,

In chapter 8 of the online documentation there is a chapter on the topic "Switching to Database Messages". I like the idea to be able to maintain the messages by the KonakartAdmin front end.

The documentation describes very well how to convert the message fles into a message table within Konakart database. Also the documentation describes that a configuration value must be switched to true.

What I do not understand is:

in the jsp's a bean:message is being used to retrieve the desired message. Once the configuration value has been set to true, will this bean:message statement retrieve he message from the database table ?

the same kind of question applies to accessing the resource bundle, i.e.
ResourceBundle res =
String labelOK = res.getString("OK_TEXT"); 

is there an automatic switch to database table messages ?

and what about the Konakart api getCatMessage. Will this api make the right decision to access either the resource bundle or either the database message table ?
I installed Konakart manually using Tomcat 6. I received an error:
ServletException in '/WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp': /WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp(49,39) Attribute value n.split(";")[1] is quoted with " which must be escaped when used within the value
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp(49,39) Attribute value n.split(";")[1] is quoted with " which must be escaped when used within the value

I found the solution in this topic: http://base.thep.lu.se/ticket/1081

Tomcat 6.0.18 seems to use a stricter mode for parsing JSP files that what has been used in previous versions. This causes Konakart to fail.

The workaround is to disable the strict parsing mode. This is done by setting a system property in CATALINA_OPTS:
export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx500m

Since I'm using Tomcat in a Windows (desktop) environment, I added this setting by means of "Configure..." Tomcat monitor.
Using tab Java I added -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false" to Java options.

Now it works fine again.
Contributions / KonaKart payment module Enterpayment
October 01, 2008, 08:06:53 pm
Hi KonaKart team and community,

After a period of developing, testing and documenting, I'm happy to present to you the new payment module "EnterPayment". It's based on the gateway of Enterpayment International GmbH (http://www.enterpayment.de/website/index.php?lang=en).

The contribution includes the source files as well as documentation.

I wish to thank the KonaKart team who helped me, in a very quick response, with questions I had.

Feel free to integrate this module into your webshop and send us some feedback.

Programming of KonaKart / New payment module
August 24, 2008, 09:39:31 pm
Dear Konakarts,

I'm developing a new payment module for EnterPayment (www.enterpayment.de). I have read the instructions and managed to copy and setup the new modules.

However, EnterPayment requires distinct first name and last name to be passed on in the request. Now, I've seen that the modules Authorizenet does a split of the BillingName using the space as a terminator. This can be a solution but can also lead to wrong results when there are more spaces within the name.
The same is for State and Country.

My question is: is it possible to extend PaymentDetails to include FirstName and LastName as well as State and Country ?

Another possible approach could be to get the order.BillingAddrId, retrieve the Addr and composing the required string to pass on to EnterPayment. However, I could not find an api to retrieve an Addr and passing an id.
Programming of KonaKart / Location of product images
April 13, 2008, 06:43:25 pm

We are in the process of customising Konakart to our needs. I managed to bring Konakart into an Eclipse development environment. So, now I can change the code, export to a war file and deploy it to Tomcat.

The product images are stored as part of the application structure. So, all product images are also in the war file which results in a rather large size of that war file. Also, it prevents that one person maintains the images by means of the admin application and another person takes care of development.

The solution is to create a separate directory in Tomcat's webapps directory and to change each reference to a product image in the jsp's, i.e. the ProductsBody.jsp:

<img src="images/<%=prod.getImage()%>" ......
<img src="/images/<%=prod.getImage()%>" ......
