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Messages - ryanlynch

Hi there --

I am experiencing some strange behavior with KonaKart -- I see the following log message every few seconds:

20-Nov 11:48:47 INFO (?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng
20-Nov 11:49:00 INFO (?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng
20-Nov 11:49:10 INFO (?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng

over and over --

Does this mean the Engine is restarting or something... ??

Any ideas as to what is causing this?? Any info would be really appreciated 
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Forward to Admin Login
November 16, 2008, 11:03:25 pm
Thanks for the response.

I decided to just build out a custom login page in my app using the KKAdminIf API -- works well!
Quote from: Anni on November 28, 2007, 02:56:52 pm
hi julie,

thanks for the answer. I've tried that and replaced the exception with:

Zone = new Integer(4); //formerly: Zone = 4;

but now I constantly get a numberFormatException. do you maybe start with 0 (e.g. 0=zone 1, 1=zone 2 etc.)? or could there be another problem?

regards, anni

I found the answer to this and it's not related to the new Integer(4).

NumberFormatException happens when the Zone n Handling Fee = null in the Admin App Modules/Shipping. Zone n Handling Fee has to have an int value.

This should probably be addressed in the next release.. it was pretty hard to track down.
Programming of KonaKart / Forward to Admin Login
November 16, 2008, 12:47:52 am
Hi there -

I am using the custom panels in the Admin tool. I have created a separate struts application for my custom tools. My question is: Since I check for a valid session Id (the session id passed in from the KonaKart Admin tool), I'd like to setup a forward to the admin login if the session id is expired or not present -- I need to do this without hard coding the KonaKart admin URL. It would be nice if I could use Struts Action Forward mechanism... does anyone know if there is a build in way to do this?

Feature Requests / Re: header.jsp
October 18, 2008, 04:31:15 am
update: I was able to fix this --for my purposes anyways.

If the semi-colon in n.split(";") is replaced with the regular expression (&#?[^;]*;[^&]*)?;    -- like this: n.split("(&#?[^;]*;[^&]*)?;") , then it will only select semi-colons that are not part of a HTML entity..

Still not in anyway an eloquent long term solution...

Feature Requests / header.jsp
October 18, 2008, 04:00:17 am
In header.jsp there is the following code for splitting nav parameters:

      <logic:iterate id="n" name="kkEng" property="nav" type="java.lang.String">
         <%if (n!=null && n.split(";").length==2){%>
            &raquo;&nbsp;<html:link page="<%=n.split(";")[1]%>"><%=n.split(";")[0]%></html:link>
            &raquo;&nbsp;<bean:write name="n" filter="false"/>

Using a semi colon as the split identifier can cause problems if you have HTML code in the string --for example, I use the HTML code for an apostrophe (#39;) in my name field and since HTML codes end with a semi colon, a false split occurs.. I think its risky to assume the nav string will never contain an intentional semi-colon.
Installation of KonaKart / Re: OrderStatus ids
October 04, 2008, 10:36:07 am
Thank you! This will save me some time :)
Installation of KonaKart / Re: OrderStatus ids
October 04, 2008, 10:30:09 am
Nevermind -- I misread it -- my mistake
Installation of KonaKart / Re: OrderStatus ids
October 04, 2008, 10:20:54 am
Thank you, I found them.

Also, if I could inquire about AdminOrderSearch in the API -- there is a orderBy field (int), and I am wondering if you can tell me how the int relates to the data... in another words, how do I know what int relates to the possible orderBy values
Installation of KonaKart / OrderStatus ids
October 03, 2008, 11:10:06 pm
Hi there -

Is there documentation anywhere that states what the different orderstatus id's represent??

For example.. I see this in my console:

The order with id = 123 has just changed state from stateId = 4 to stateId = 5

What I would like to know is what is the orderstatus id that represents a new payment received order

So I need to manually go into the database and add more Zone shipping modules?? I saw something in the User Guide about a Zones.properties file, however I cannot find this file in my webapps directory... Also, one of my zones needs to be simply "International" -- therefore I cannot assign it to a single country... is there a way to do this without doing surgery on the code??

I have used your suggested method of using:



It seems to be working because it's storing everything correctly in the database and display correct in the Admin invoice tool.

However, the order confirmation page uses:


How do I create this formattedAddress and set it from the delivery and shipping values I have set??

Ah, ok. I will use a deliminator and parse the strings when I need to read them.
Thank you for the response.

I understand, but there are only 5 custom fields on the order object and I have 7 separate checkboxes on the order checkout pages. I was hoping to store them as separate fields in the order object so they will easily persist across checkout pages. For example, in the JSP I could do this:

<html:checkbox name="order" property="custom4" value="<%=order.getCustom4%>"/>
<html:checkbox name="order" property="custom5" value="<%=order.getCustom5%>"/>

The problem comes into play when my custom requirements exceed 5 fields. Therefore, it would be nice to use Java overloading on the custom fields.

Hope that makes more sense :)


Ah, thank you -- I see how it works now!

With the code I have available to me (that which is open source), is it possible for me to overload the Order custom fields?