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Messages - Anni

as I said in my first post:

in the ProductsBody.jsp I inserted


to the top of the page, to sort the products by date.

the top of the page means, where all bean definitions are done. but I've also tried it within the actual content part of that jsp, with slightly different results, but still I wasn't able to browse through the pages  ???
thanks for the answer, but that action class is basically doing just the same as I did ...

and whenever I try to pre-sort the items, I can't browse through the product list. sorting the products by using the sort action works, of course. but I just need them sorted without using the action class.

hi everyone,

I have just a short question. in the ProductsBody.jsp I inserted


to the top of the page, to sort the products by date. this worked fine, but recently I realised that this prevents me from using prev and next to view all products, if there are more than 20. I can still press the links (i.e. only next, as I'm on the first page) but I will always stay on that page.
deleting that line solved the problem but now the products are in random order again.

is there another place where I specify the product order?


ok, thanks.

btw. you are correct that the options are sorted by their id but not the option values. I just printed the product options to the console  to get the ids and see the current sort order and got this:

* Run: 0 Opt id: 1 Opt name: subscrtiption Opt value: Start with next issue Opt value id: 2
* Run: 1 Opt id: 1 Opt name: subscrtiption Opt value: Start with current issue Opt value id: 1
* Run: 2 Opt id: 2 Opt name: Discount Opt value: Friend of IMMA Opt value id: 7
* Run: 3 Opt id: 2 Opt name: Discount Opt value: VAI member Opt value id: 5
* Run: 4 Opt id: 2 Opt name: Discount Opt value: Friend of RHA Opt value id: 8
* Run: 5 Opt id: 2 Opt name: Discount Opt value: Student Opt value id: 6
* Run: 6 Opt id: 2 Opt name: Discount Opt value: n/a Opt value id: 3

earlier, the option values for option 1 were just the other way round.  ???


thanks for the answer :)

just one more question. the action class to modify would be the ShowProductDetailsAction, is that correct?


Miscellaneous / Product options on product details page
January 22, 2008, 12:59:23 pm
hi everyone,

I've noticed that product options are displayed in a random manner on the details page, e.g. at one time the order for a color option is red-green-blue, another time it's blue-red-green. so always a different option is pre-selected when you view the product details.

is there a way to sort them or can't that be changed?


Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Promotions
January 08, 2008, 11:31:30 am
hi steve,

yes, your file path should be correct. I also put in the properties files though I think that won't make a difference. did you also add the productdiscount.class for konakartadmin? not sure if that's the reason why it's not working but it might be well worth a try.

good luck :)

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Promotions
January 07, 2008, 12:31:22 pm
found the problem. I just needed to add both options. so for me it works now.
hope you get it to work as well, steve.

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Promotions
January 07, 2008, 12:09:29 pm
hi again!

I now tried some other things. first, I added the unmodified class files for the product discount to my konakart and konakartadmin apps (i.e. com/konakart/bl/modules/ordertotal/productdiscount/... and com/konakartadmin/modules/ordertotal/productdiscount/...). after deleting all old promotions and setting up a new product discount for all products, it finally worked.  :)
but normally the class files should be in and read from one of the jars, right?

afterwards I started adding rules to that discount. for normal products, i.e. without any options, this still works fine. but the products I need promotions for have two options. to determine which product has a discount I only use one of those.  but that makes the promotion not stop working again ...  :-\

I'll try to figure this problem out. in the worst case I think I'll have to remove one of the options.
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Promotions
January 04, 2008, 04:17:39 pm
hi pete,

yes, everything is installed and I also checked the database entries, which are ok. as I mentioned in the post before I've now installed both promotion types but none of them are working ... neither for specific products nor when active for all products.  ???

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Promotions
January 04, 2008, 04:14:51 pm
hi steve,

with one exception I didn't do anything to the classes and just left everything as it was. so the classes used in my version will be in the jar files. but otherwise the directory would be classes/com/konakart(admin)/bl/modules/ordertotal/... and resp. for other modules. it should work if you put them there.
and I also just want to use the product discount. just to verify that it actually doesn't work I also installed the total discount and set it up to be active for all products. this didn't work either  :-\
because of this I started printing the promotionIds that are valid for a checkoutOrder to the tomcat console. it seems like for my shop there actually are no promotions ... I just have no idea why that is.

let me know if you find out something new. I'll do the same :)

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Promotions
January 04, 2008, 01:12:42 pm
hi steve,

does is work for you now? because I've a similar problem (only for me all other modules work). just the promotions won't take effect.

if you got it to work I'd be happy to hear about your solution.

Miscellaneous / Re: Wrong jsps displayed???
December 18, 2007, 12:49:26 pm
hi pete,

thanks for replying. I know I'm a nuisance, but I can't help it.
only, my problem in this case isn't struts. all the action forwards and paths are set correctly. I didn't change them at all. and last week it still worked correctly. that's why I'm so desperate.

Miscellaneous / Re: Wrong jsps displayed???
December 18, 2007, 10:31:53 am
I already tried restarting everything there is to restart, which didn't change anything. now, I've also tried removing the corresponding jsps. again, no change. I have no idea how to solve this.

Miscellaneous / Re: Wrong jsps displayed???
December 18, 2007, 10:07:27 am
please, this is quite a problem for me, because I'm doing changes to some of those jsps and I can't see them since the wrong (outdated) pages are displayed.
