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Messages - sureshbabubv

Dear All,

I got it.

                 AdminProduct objAdminProduct=port.getProduct(sessionId,5);
           objAdminProduct.setPriceExTax(new BigDecimal("555.00"));
            port.editProduct(sessionId, objAdminProduct);

all insertXXXX() methods are inserting the new data

and all editXXX() methods are updating the old data with new one

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Dear All,

  I tried the following code

               AdminProduct objAdminProduct=port.getProduct(sessionId,5);
           port.editProduct(sessionId, objAdminProduct);
           objAdminProduct.setPriceExTax(new BigDecimal("456.00"));
            port.insertProduct(sessionId, objAdminProduct);

but this is inserting a new product instead of updating the product.

Please suggest me how to update the product price.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu

Dear All,

Please suggest how to Update ProductPrice with productId Using Konakart Admin WebServices.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Dear All,

We can update the product quanity using the setProductQuantity() method that was exposed in admin webservices.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Hi trevor,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Can I replace the gwt login dialoge with a normal html form which will accept the storename, username and password and the request will be submitted to a struts action class which will verify the login credentials and will forward to admin pannel.

I wrote the following code for the same

  ActionForward  actionforward =null;
Class engineClass = Class.forName("com.konakartadmin.bl.KKAdmin");
         KKAdminIf  eng = (KKAdminIf ) engineClass.newInstance();

           String sessionId = eng.login("admin@konakart.com", "kona123");
         // String sessionId = eng.login(request.getParameter("userName"), request.getParameter("passWord"));
            StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer("/#kk_panel_status?id=2&sess="+sessionId);
         System.out.println("stringbuffer: "+stringbuffer);
         actionforward = new ActionForward(stringbuffer.toString(), true);
       return actionforward;

but still I am getting the gwt login dialogue, instead of store admin panel

can you please suggest me where I did the mistake?

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Installation of KonaKart / SolrConfig Issue
April 14, 2010, 01:14:09 pm
Dear All,

I am using konakart enterprise trail version.

I moved the konakart, konakartadmin, birtviewer, solr folder from konakartinstallation/webapps to my tomcat/webapps folder to run the konakart in a stand alone tomcat server.

But I am getting an error solrConfig is not configured, when I went through the code, I found the application is using some configuration files of konakartinstallation/solr/conf folder,

Shall move this solr folder to tomcat root directory or if not suggest me the location  to move this conf folder in the tomcat server.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Hi Greg,

Sorry, for a mistake in my post

I am using konakart enterprise trail version

I would like replace a dropdown with a Textbox in konakartadmin login dialogue,

plz give me steps how to do it.


I am using the community version.

I would like replace a dropdown with a Textbox in konakartadmin login dialogue,

plz give me steps how to do it.


Programming of KonaKart / BirtViewer Issue
April 14, 2010, 06:01:39 am
Dear All,

I am getting the following exception in the birtviewer reports of Admin Panel

Cannot load JDBC Driver class: not found.

exception.error ( 1 time(s) )
detail : org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.EngineException: An exception occurred during processing. Please see the following message for details:
Cannot open the connection for the driver: org.eclipse.birt.report.data.oda.jdbc.
Cannot load JDBC Driver class: not found.

Where I am doing wrong?

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu

Using KonaKart as a Portlet / Re: Konakartadmin
April 13, 2010, 01:14:43 pm
Dear All,

I followed the same steps given by sashwill by enabling the ssl in my tomcat, but instead of redirecting to konakartadmin, the controll is redirecting to konakart application only.

I would like to redirect to konakart admin home page(ie panel page) when the admin logged in.

Thanks & Regards,'
B.V. Suresh Babu 
Programming of KonaKart / konakart admin login issue
April 13, 2010, 09:54:50 am
Dear All,

I am developing a custom login for konakart admin, a jsp having a form with 3 fields userName and Passoword, submit button

when the user enters the details and clicks on submit button, the request will be handled by a controller class AdminLoginCheck.java as shown below

package org.test;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

import com.konakartadmin.appif.KKAdminIf;

import  org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import com.konakartadmin.app.AdminCustomer;
public class AdminLoginCheck extends Action {

   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
         HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

      ActionForward  actionforward =null;
         Class engineClass = Class.forName("com.konakartadmin.bl.KKAdmin");
         KKAdminIf  eng = (KKAdminIf ) engineClass.newInstance();

           String sessionId = eng.login("admin@konakart.com", "kona123");
         // String sessionId = eng.login(request.getParameter("userName"), request.getParameter("passWord"));
           StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer("/#kk_panel_status?id=2&sess="+sessionId);
         System.out.println("stringbuffer: "+stringbuffer);
         actionforward = new ActionForward(stringbuffer.toString(), true);
      } catch (Exception e) {
         return null;
      return   actionforward ;
   }//end of execute method

}// end of the class

I am getting the sessionId value and requiest is redirected to


but I am getting the normal admin login panel.

Please suggest me where I am doing wrong.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu

Using KonaKart as a Portlet / Re: Konakartadmin
April 12, 2010, 12:52:56 pm
Hi sashwill.

Can you please explain how did u implemented the custom login page.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Hi renata,

Can you please example explain me how you implemented this.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Forward to Admin Login
April 12, 2010, 06:56:31 am
Hi Ryanlynch

Can you please explain how you implemented this feature.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu
Dear All,

Instead of displaying a drop down of store Id's, I would like to place a input(text) filed in the admin application.

I will have a HTML form in which I will provide a fields for accepting the storeId, username and password. When the user clicks on submit button, the login verifications will be done and the user will be redirected to admin panel page with the corresponding store information.

Please give me some input how to customize the Login Screen of Konakart Admin Application for the above 2 scenarios.

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu