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Messages - brianr

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Multi-store configuration
February 20, 2009, 03:52:55 pm
"To share all products should be a relatively simple functionality addition"

Sounds good, is this something we can do or do we need to wait for a new release?
Configuration of KonaKart / Multi-store configuration
February 19, 2009, 06:35:32 pm
Hi all,

The new multi-store capability in the latest version is a good start for us but we're wondering if it is possible for products to be shared between stores. I.e. I'd like to setup a Canadian store with and a separate US-branded store selling the same items. Looking at the current DB schema it seems that each product is linked to a single store only. If you added an association table linking products to stores then we can decide who sells what in any combination...or is there some other way?

Also, we'd like the option of setting independent US/CDN prices or having a single price and others derived via the exchange rates.

Installation of KonaKart / Export failure
February 19, 2009, 06:04:57 pm
Hi experts,

Using the default Community Edition I'm trying my hand at performing an export using the ExportFromKKUsingEng.sh
facility but it seems to choke on some kind of security problem.  I'm using MySQL, the database name is 'konakart'
and it seems to be accessing it ok until it tries to do a write of a session id:

br@br-laptop:~/konakart/import_export$ ./ExportFromKKUsingEng.sh 0 konakart true

Create a file containing product data from the KonaKart database using the KK Engine
Properties file found = /home/br/konakart/import_export/classes/kkImporter.properties
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationUtils).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
19-Feb 10:59:49 INFO  (KKAdminBase.java:init:167) Finished Initialising Log4j
19-Feb 10:59:49 INFO  (KKAdminBase.java:init:173) The configuration file being used is /home/br/konakart/import_export/classes/konakartadmin.properties
19-Feb 10:59:49 INFO  (KKAdminBase.java:init:181) Initialising KKAdmin
19-Feb 10:59:49 INFO  (KKAdminBase.java:initKonakart:582) KonaKart Admin V3.2.0.0 built 9:06PM 1-Feb-2009 GMT
19-Feb 10:59:49 INFO  (KKAdminBase.java:init:186) Finished Initialising KonaKartAdmin
19-Feb 10:59:49 INFO  (KKAdminBase.java:init:195) Initialising Torque
19-Feb 10:59:49 INFO  (AdminMgrFactory.java:getConstructor:1282) Getting class by name for AdminCommunityStoreMgr
19-Feb 10:59:50 INFO  (AdminMgrFactory.java:getConstructor:1282) Getting class by name for AdminSecurityMgr
19-Feb 10:59:50 INFO  (AdminSecurityMgr.java:refreshConfigs:2185) Refresh configs for AdminSecurityMgr of storeId konakart
19-Feb 10:59:50 INFO  (AdminMgrFactory.java:getConstructor:1282) Getting class by name for AdminConfigurationMgr
19-Feb 10:59:50 INFO  (AdminMgrFactory.java:getConstructor:1282) Getting class by name for AdminMultiStoreMgr
19-Feb 10:59:50 INFO  (AdminMgrFactory.java:instantiateAdminMultiStoreMgr:1025) Detected that the AdminMultiStoreMgr is not present
19-Feb 10:59:50 WARN  (AdminMgrFactory.java:instantiateAdminMultiStoreMgr:1026) Admin Multi-Store functionality has not been installed
19-Feb 10:59:51 DEBUG (QueryDataSet.java:<init>:115) SELECT configuration.configuration_id, configuration.configuration_key, configuration.configuration_value FROM configuration WHERE configuration.configuration_key='ADMIN_LOGIN_INTEGRATION_CLASS'
19-Feb 10:59:51 DEBUG (QueryDataSet.java:<init>:115) SELECT customers.customers_password, customers.customers_type, customers.customers_id, customers.customers_enabled FROM customers WHERE customers.customers_email_address='admin@konakart.com'
19-Feb 10:59:51 ERROR (?:doExport:?) Exception Message = null<br><br>Exception Stack Trace = <br>   at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doInsert(BasePeer.java:496)<br>   at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doInsert(BasePeer.java:431)<br>   at com.konakartadmin.bl.AdminSecurityMgr.insertSessionId(AdminSecurityMgr.java:332)<br>   at com.konakartadmin.bl.AdminSecurityMgr.login(AdminSecurityMgr.java:274)<br>   at com.konakartadmin.bl.KKAdmin.login(KKAdmin.java:757)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.BaseController.setupEngine(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.BaseController.init(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.ExportController.init(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.ExportController.doExport(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.ExportRunner.main(Unknown Source)
Exception in thread "main" com.konakartadmin.app.KKAdminException: Exception Message = null<br><br>Exception Stack Trace = <br>   at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doInsert(BasePeer.java:496)<br>   at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doInsert(BasePeer.java:431)<br>   at com.konakartadmin.bl.AdminSecurityMgr.insertSessionId(AdminSecurityMgr.java:332)<br>   at com.konakartadmin.bl.AdminSecurityMgr.login(AdminSecurityMgr.java:274)<br>   at com.konakartadmin.bl.KKAdmin.login(KKAdmin.java:757)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.BaseController.setupEngine(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.BaseController.init(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.ExportController.init(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.ExportController.doExport(Unknown Source)<br>   at com.konakart.importer.ExportRunner.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.konakartadmin.bl.KKAdminBase.manageException(KKAdminBase.java:1363)
   at com.konakartadmin.bl.KKAdmin.login(KKAdmin.java:769)
   at com.konakart.importer.BaseController.setupEngine(Unknown Source)
   at com.konakart.importer.BaseController.init(Unknown Source)
   at com.konakart.importer.ExportController.init(Unknown Source)
   at com.konakart.importer.ExportController.doExport(Unknown Source)
   at com.konakart.importer.ExportRunner.main(Unknown Source)

The kkimporter.properties file wasn't touched while the following changes were made to the konakartadmin.properties file:

   torque.applicationRoot = .

   torque.database.default                     = konakart

   torque.database.konakart.adapter              = mysql
   torque.dsfactory.konakart.connection.driver   = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
   torque.dsfactory.konakart.connection.url      = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/konakart?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull
   torque.dsfactory.konakart.connection.user     = root
   torque.dsfactory.konakart.connection.password = password

Basically wherever it mentioned 'store1' in the properties file I replaced it with 'konakart' for my single store setup, is this correct?

Launching the export without the final two arguments "./ExportFromKKUsingEng.sh 0" causes the same result.

What am I doing wrong?
