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Topics - gga

On the "My Delivery Details" page (EditCartSubmit.do), The Postal Code is requested after Street Adddress and before City.  This is a very unusual ordering for most Americans and I want to move it below State/Province.  I'd also like to remove "Other Telephone Number" and "Fax Number" entirely.

There does not seem to have a corresponding jsp file that I can find which contains this form.  How can I adjust this ordering?

On a related topic, I want to limit the options available in State/Province because we only ship to certain states, but I cannot figure out how to do this either.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Installation of KonaKart / Clean install problem
June 20, 2012, 06:12:15 am

I am trying out Konakart for the first time.  I downloaded and successfully installed on my Ubuntu dev machine with a mysql database.  Everything during installation seemed smooth.  I can launch and use the admin portion of the site with no issues.  However, when I attempt to go to the public version of the site, nothing happens.  When I look at catalina.out, I can isolate the issue to the error at the end of my message.

I have done no fiddling or customization yet, just a clean, pure install.  What I am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


Caused by: com.workingdogs.village.DataSetException: Max is 1 based and must be greater than 0!
   at com.workingdogs.village.DataSet.fetchRecords(DataSet.java:526)
   at org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.getSelectResults(BasePeer.java:1386)
   ... 30 more
18-Jun 07:35:10 ERROR (InsertTag.java:doEndTag:922) ServletException in '/WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp': null
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp at line 29

26: <logic:notEmpty name="konakartKey">
27:    <bean:define id="kkEng" name="konakartKey" type="com.konakart.al.KKAppEng"/>
28:    <%
29:       boolean useSolr = kkEng.getConfig("USE_SOLR_SEARCH").equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")? true : false;
30:    %>   
31:    <%if (useSolr && !kkEng.isPortlet()) { %>
32:       <script language="javascript" src="<%=kkEng.getStoreBase()%>/com.konakart.Konakart.nocache."></script>