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Messages - lowfier

Hi all,

I have some products that i wanna display but that cannot be added to the shopping cart or sold. It it possible to achieve this with any of the options on the admin or do i have to change the code?

Thanks in advance.
Configuration of KonaKart / Checkout without registration
September 19, 2013, 12:01:20 pm
Hi All,

I am using version 6.5.1 and i was trying the checkout without registartion feature. When this setting is true anyone who tries to register on the store can only add delivery details and is not asked for password as it was supposed to. The store treats every user as a no registration even if someone decides to register. Is it a bug or is it this way by design?

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Product Specs
August 30, 2013, 04:47:33 pm
In the admin are it says:  Custom Product Attribute functionality has not been installed!
Is it a EE feature?
Configuration of KonaKart / Product Specs
August 30, 2013, 04:32:37 pm
Hi All,

In the CE store front it has a specs tab between product details and Reviews when we look at a product Detail Body.
I checked on the ProductsDetailBody.jsp that it associated with Custom products Attributes.

<%if (prod.getCustomAttrArray() != null && prod.getCustomAttrArray().length > 0){ %>

I tried to add on a product some custom attributes but it fails to show them and i suspect that this method prod.getCustomAttrArray() is returning null or 0 custom Attributes.

Can you please show how this could work?
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Deployment
August 30, 2013, 09:48:32 am
Ok, Thanks,

The proxy port from 80 to 8780 is done by apache as you suggested. So the real web server is apache and the tomcat remains only as app server on its original 8780 port. The only thing that i didn´t want is the /konakart container because our store is going to be the front website of our company.
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Deployment
August 29, 2013, 11:51:17 am
I tried the following with success:

- Moved all content from /konakart to /ROOT
- Created a proxy port from 80 to 8780.

It seems that all is working fine. Do you see any problems on this changes that i cant predict or test?

Configuration of KonaKart / Deployment
August 28, 2013, 06:19:02 pm
Hi all,

First of all thanks for all the replies to my questions. I like your product so much that i am thinking on trying the EE on my company.
I have a few pratical question regarding the deployment of konakart on a production env.

- Is your version of tomcat safe as a webserver or you advise to put it behind an apache webserver?

- What is the best way to configure the app to run on http://mydomain.com/welcome.action instead of http://mydomain.com/konakart/welcom.action ?

Thanks in advance :D
Configuration of KonaKart / Price Filter
August 23, 2013, 03:58:05 pm

I am evaluating the community edition and i noticed that the price filter is not avaliable on this version.
Has anyone implemented any price filter on the CE? Can someone point a direction that i could start developing or is it a lost cause? I took a look at Facets.jsp and obviously it could be hardcoded to make that job but it seems easier to ask first if someone took any simple way.

Ok solved,

The problem is that the product i used on my home version didnt had a sku when i made the order. I added it later to the product record but the table with order products didnt got updated. I've made another order with the same product but with a sku and the template already worked as it was suposed.
Ok, how do i get a trial version of Enterprise KK?

Regarding the problem itself it got a little weird because this was happening on a home machine and this morning i installed on a VM server at work, the exact same java version and the exact same installation package. On my work VM the getSku() works like a charm at home it doesn´t. Now whats different? Go figure. Prob something is messed up on my home installation, but both front and admin are working correctly.

I am new to Konakart and i just started using it to evaluate the product as a possible enterprise solution to my company.
I downloaded the comunity edition and ist fully working. One thing that we consider vital on the admin area its the display of the SKU of the product on the order detail view. After some reading i got the orderdetail template changed "OrderDetail_xx.vm" to use $getSku() instead of $getModel(). I must be doing something wrong because the $getSku() prints the function call instead of the product sku. I have tried other calls with sucess but the getSku() simply does not work. Do i need any additional step to make the function call work?
