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Topics - nclemeur

Programming of KonaKart / Wrong bread crumps
December 20, 2007, 07:50:19 am

It seems that the bread crumps is wrongly generated when you follow this sequence of events:

- Select a category
- Select a product to display details about this product
- Use the back button to go back to the list of products
- Click any header to sort the product lists

This results in product name to be displayed in the bread crumps.

This can be reproduced in the demo application
Hello all,

Today I was looking a bit more in the struts side of the konakart demo application and it seems to me that there is a major flaw in the current design. Indeed, one of the basic principle of struts is to NOT have any instance variables available in an Action (see for example http://struts.apache.org/1.x/userGuide/building_controller.html#action_design_guide for more information). In the BaseAction, there are 2 pretty important member variable (kkAppEng and custId) which violates this principles. This is really a major problem in a heavily loaded application where multiple requests originating from multiple clients would be able to "see" each kkAppEng... I could easily simulate a problem by setting a breakpoint in an execute method and then having 2 clients connecting. I could easily add an item to the shopping cart of another client.

I am going to look at solving that problem now, but I would really recommend to patch that version asap.




It seems that the column orders_products.products_model should have been a varchar(64) and the equivalent column in products is a varchar(64) (at least in the mysql version).  This could results in a "malfunction" at checkout which does not look very good.



It seems that the categories tile is not properly displayed when you access the site using some URL (without going first to the home page). For example, if you try,


directly. The categories tile is empty.


Feature Requests / Editing order in admin application
November 29, 2007, 01:49:50 am

I think it would be nice if an order could be edited in the admin application. For example, if a product is not in stock anymore, we should be able to suggest alternatives products to the user and if he agrees we should be able to change products in his order.

Also it would be nice if we could use other order statuses than the one currenlty defined.



It does not appears that there is an official way of reporting bug, so I am just posting here. Please let me know if I should do it somewhere else.

It seems that there is a bug in the method mentionned above. This problem can be seen on the demo site if you click on the category DVD/Action  then select a manufacturer in the select box in the top right corner, then select back "All manufacturers" in the same select box. This will result in no products being displayed.

Best regards,

Programming of KonaKart / Admin Application Customisation
November 26, 2007, 10:53:52 pm

We are investigating the use of Konakart as a shopping kart. So far it seems quite good, but there is really one big problem: there is no way to customize the admin application. The admin application is quite nice but it will never be possible to make it flexible enough to accomodate everyone needs. For example, I would like be able to issue a quotation, edit an order to add/replace products in case some products are not in stocks and the list can go for ever... Are there any plan to release the sources of that applications (even if it is not for free)?

As a side note, I wam wondering if there is not a bug in the code that delete products/categories, because I think after I delete a few of them, some customer could not access their cart content anymore. After a deleted everything from the tables customers_basket and customers_basket_attributes, everything was working again...

