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Messages - kate

You can use the shop without wishlist functionality.   Have you disabled WishList functionality in the Configuration section of the Admin App?   The default should be disabled - but maybe you enabled it?
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Get CurrentCustomer
November 03, 2011, 10:16:55 am
Yes, as far as I understand what you've done...... (nice picture!)
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Get CurrentCustomer
November 02, 2011, 03:04:14 pm
So it would appear that in one place you are logged in and another you are not.  Are you still not sharing the sessionId?

Perhaps by running with some debug flags on you can figure out what's happening for you:

set flags such as:

# Torque/Village Persistence layer - Set both to DEBUG to see the SQL
log4j.logger.org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer  = DEBUG
log4j.logger.com.workingdogs.village          = DEBUG

# Konakart classes
log4j.logger.com.konakart                     = DEBUG

Not sure which is the best way in your case...  but the choices are using RMI calls, POJO engine calls - and even JSON if you prefer.

No functionality is stripped from any of the WARs that are produced.   We do need to change a few things for different platforms to get them to work which is why there are special ANT targets plus special options.  You can see exactly what's done for each target by referring to the ANT build file.

QuoteI don't understand why the custom/war/konakart.war runs

It shouldn't run successfully in liferay.  Is it possible that you didn't deploy the one you thought you deployed?
QuoteWhat is the difference between using make_wars and make_liferay_portlet_war ?

If you look at the ANT build file you'll see big differences.  make_wars makes wars from your standard webapps under tomcat (in the default KonaKart installation) whereas make_liferay_portlet_war makes a WAR specifically for Liferay.

Hence I'm rather surprised by your observations however if you got that to work that's great.  :)
That's not the log file that we would need to see.   

Look at other log files under your logs directory.  If you don't have any then it would appear that your tomcat isn't starting at all.   You can diagnose that by running:

catalina run

in your bin directory.

(This is not the correct way to start KonaKart.   I'm only suggesting you do this to diagnose your problem.    Maybe JAVA_HOME is set incorrectly in your environment??).

The Apache Web Server is not included in the KonaKart download package at all.  You can configure Apache to pass requests to KonaKart if you wish but that's a completely separate issue.
Do you get any clues in the files in the logs directory ?
if you open a command window in your KonaKart\bin directory and enter:


What happens?
localhost:8709 is non-default.   Did you change that for any particular reason?

have you looked at your processes to see if KonaKart is running?

Well that looks like illegal syntax which will give you that error (you need the "/" at the end)

Regardless of that, for correct operation you should follow the format of the default provided and mentioned in the User Guide:


...where store1 should be replaced by your database schema name.
What did you specify as the connection URL?
when you are running the wizard and it tells you that the database connection fails, what error are you getting?
I would study the User Guide and start again with the installer.  Don't be tempted to proceed until your database connection is confirmed by the wizard.
You won't get far without a database connection.
You add them to the ANT command line when making the WAR