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Messages - Iruñea

Thanks Greg, that worked like a charm.


Ok, I discovered this is a known problem in Konakart v4.2.0.1:


Error displaying One Page Checkout in IE7:
Note that there is no problem with IE8. An error ("Error: 'b' is null or not an object") will occur if you run the GWT-based One Page Checkout using IE7. To fix this, simply upgrade the files in the following KonaKart_OnePageCheckout_4.2.0.1_5028.zip (322KB) patch kit.

The patch contains the compiled files of out-of-the-box tool for onepagecheckout. So this solves the problem for people that didn't made any customizations. But I had customizations done on the classes. And if Im not mistaken, GWT code from the path is not 'decompilable'. My question is:
Will konakart made public the onepagecheckout code BEFORE compiled ? Otherwise I could not use my customizations.

Thanks, konakart is great!
This is the error I see in IE with debugbar:

Line: 424
Character: 19
Code: 0
Error Message: 'b' is null or not an object

I find strange that I get this error after out-of-the-box installation. This is my 424 line of that file:

function ifb(b,a){return CT(b.b,nS(),a)}

Could somebody check that after a fresh installing of KKv4.2.0.1 on Windows, OnePageCheckout functionallity works fine when using Internet Explorer? I am stuck...  :'(

Installation of KonaKart / onepagecheckout issue in IE7
February 16, 2010, 02:13:44 pm

I get a Javascript error when I try to checkout with the onepagecheckout tool in InternetExplorer 7. I. have no problem with Firefox. Because I had made some configuration on the classes (under E:\konakart\custom\onepagecheckout\src\com\konakart\client), I decided to make a totally fresh installation on another machine with the windows installer (KonaKart- and filling in the database with installer database.

I keep on having this problem on InternetExplorer 7.0! (Firefox works fine). Because its in IE, I can not debug. The only I see is is a javascript error: 'b' is null or not an object
And the screen where the form to enter the email should appear is white.

Did you heard about this issue??


PD: At konakartadmin - StoreConfiguration:
Enables One Page Checkout -> TRUE
Enables Checkout Without Registration-> FALSE
Hi Heidi!

Indeed, I migrated the database from v2.2.6.0. to  v4.2.0.1. After migrating till this last version I executed in my mysql database this two lines (to fix the missing line):

delete from kk_api_call where api_call_id = 221;
INSERT INTO kk_api_call (api_call_id, name, description, date_added) VALUES (221, 'setProductAvailability','', now());

But I got an error in konakart app so finally I decided to make a clean upgrade again from the begining this way:

This scripts from konakart Installation package:

And this last two scripts from installation package: (The highest version at this moment)

And I did not have any issues. :) At least till now but your question makes me think that maybe there's a problem if  I come from a version before ?? Is this so ?

Ok, thanks for the info !    ;)


Not totally sure but I think that in konakart v4.2.0.1 installation package for windows, the following script for upgrading the database (upgrade_3.2.0.0_to_4.0.0.0.sql) its missing this line:

# Just for MySQL
delete from kk_api_call where api_call_id = 221;

Because Im getting this MySQL error:
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 27: Duplicate entry '221' for key 1

I beleave this comes because there exist a row with that id with which name is: forceRegisterCustomer

That line did exist (line 25) in the same script of the v4.1.0.0 installation package. So my question is: Is really the line missing or should I delete this other?
INSERT INTO kk_api_call (api_call_id, name, description, date_added) VALUES (221, 'setProductAvailability','', now());


How can an administrator send an email to users with "Global Product Notifications" checked ?
I see the option to send an email to people who bought a specific product, but not to users with this opotion checked. How can be done this ?

Thanks Heidi, dat worked fine. The upgrade is actually not done yet, but I made a kind of test in Windows and I didn't have the Linux installer for if necessary. The page URL is http://e-loket.wenz.be/konakart/Welcome.do but it is allready in the list of Konanakart  :) (And still a old version of KK)

Thanks for the link!
Miscellaneous / download older versions of Konakart ?
January 14, 2010, 02:33:51 pm

Is it possible to download previous version of KK ( for Linux)?

I made an upgrade but now I need the Linux installer for Production. I found this post http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,407.0.html so I tried with this: http://www.konakart.com/kits/KonaKart-
But this didn't make the trick   :-\ .

Where could I find this ?

Thanks a lot,
Good to know about this "copyBasketCustomFields" option when creating the order.

Thanks a lot Trevor!
Iruñea  ;)

   Can I customize Konakart, in order to save some data with a product per EACH order ?
I explain myself with an example: In a shop selling Tshirts, the user selects a Tshirt belonging to PRINTABLE TSHIRTS category. The system then, should lets the user enter a phrase which will be printed in his Tshirt. This must be stored somewhere.

   I believe the correct place to store this info in the DB would be in orders_products Table (on custom1 field) because this data depends in the product and in the order. But even if I set the custom1 attribute to the basket object before checking out, I dont achieve it. How could I do this ?

Please any tip would be really useful

Hi KonaKarts,

Ive a doubt about Global Product Notifications in KK How can the andministrator send an mail to customers who have "Global Product Notifications" checked ??

The problem is as follows:
- A client CLIENT1 has his GlobalProductNotification checked.(In his Product Notification list)
- CLIENT1, buys a product  PRODUCT_02 successfully, but he's not asked whether he wants to add this product to his product notification list (because he has the GlobalProductNotification checked).
- Afterwaards, if admin selects "Send email to clients who bought product "PRODUCT_02" then Client1 is not notified.

Im I missing something ? I would like that also CLIENT1 is notified about this update.

Thanks a lot !
Many thanks Greg,

Good to get confirmation about this. I think for now changing directly on the DB is our prefered solution.

Thanks for your time,

Iruñea  ;)


I wold like to allow longer customers Emails for clients on Clients panel. (Admin App.)
On the guide (http://www.konakart.com/docs/CustomValidationAdminApp.html) I read that from version its possible to specify min and max lenght values for some fields in . (I see there Customer.email_address). I tried and failed.Sinds we use Konakart v2.2.6.0., I think this field is still not supported yet(http://www.konakart.com/custom_validation_faq.php).Am I right?

And if so, is there any other possibility to solve this rather than modifying this field directly on the database  ??

Thanks for your help, Konakart is great!