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Problems with JDBC or filesystem persistence session

Started by ejaen, August 24, 2009, 10:58:43 am

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Hi, how do u do.
I'm working in konakart ecommerce solution and i'd like make a load balance  with JDBCStore to persistence session.   My cluster are working  ok, but y can't perssitence session in jdb sotre or file system. When i try to get the "konakartKey" object from session always is null, and create new session.
I think that the problem is that the com.konakart.al.KKAppEng is not serializable and can't persistence object in jdbc or in file system.

¿Can u help me please?
(Sorry for my english)
Thank's in advance.


KonaKart is easy to load balance. You should connect all KonaKart servers to the same database cluster and ensure that you use sticky sessions when passing messages from the web server.


Yes, i use sticky sessions and all nodes use the same database. The cluster work's fine if dont use persisistence session (atribute distributable="false").
For example I've node1 and node2 Tomcat with konakart and sticky sessions.  I stop node1 and refresh page. This request catch by node2 and session lost.

I'd like persistence session (share session) between node1 and node2. I set atribute distributable="true" and configure to persist in jdbc store. I put two jsp in node1 and node2 and work fine. Stop node1 and jsp show the same session id in node2, but konakart not work. Konakart start ok, but when i  make the request to "Welcome.do", always say me that don't find the Bean konakartKey. I think that the problem is the com.konakart.al.KKAppEng can't put in the session.
Thk's in advance trevor


I see now. I don't think that KKAppEng is serializable. However, even if it were, having it persisted in the database after every HTTP request would certainly degrade your performance. The whole point of keeping some session related data in memory is to speed things up.


Yes,  persisted session degreade the performance but i need that if the nodo1 or nodo2  stop, the user not enter u username/password. I see the replication session in memory and appear that the all session data must to be serializable
Good information in this article http://onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/11/24/replication1.html

This feature is interesting for konakart team?
Thk's in advance.


Yes I know how it works, but just don't think that it's worth implementing because you loose too much performance for very little gain. KonaKart basket items and wish list items are always persisted to the database anyway, so in the unlikely event that one of your servers fails, a customer would be forced to log in again but he wouldn't lose his current basket or wish list.


Yes, this feature is very , very good. User log in and customer recover u basket and wish list.  The "only problem" is the user must log in, but as u telle me, this situation is very
Thank's for u time Trevor.