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Manual installation, error in header.jsp quoted strings

Started by ReneA, March 14, 2009, 09:28:27 pm

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I installed Konakart manually using Tomcat 6. I received an error:
ServletException in '/WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp': /WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp(49,39) Attribute value n.split(";")[1] is quoted with " which must be escaped when used within the value
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp(49,39) Attribute value n.split(";")[1] is quoted with " which must be escaped when used within the value

I found the solution in this topic: http://base.thep.lu.se/ticket/1081

Tomcat 6.0.18 seems to use a stricter mode for parsing JSP files that what has been used in previous versions. This causes Konakart to fail.

The workaround is to disable the strict parsing mode. This is done by setting a system property in CATALINA_OPTS:
export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx500m

Since I'm using Tomcat in a Windows (desktop) environment, I added this setting by means of "Configure..." Tomcat monitor.
Using tab Java I added -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false" to Java options.

Now it works fine again.


KonaKart v ships with tomcat 6.0.18 where this problem with tomcat's stricter parsing was solved by changing the JSP (basically changing some double-quotes for single quotes).

I'm guesing that your comment is in regard to installing an earlier version of KonaKart on tomcat 6.0.18?

Please specify the version number to clarify.




Ah, thanks.

Checking the "about" of konakartadmin, I'm using version
I checked the coding in Header.jsp of version and saw the differences you pointed out.

Well.... it's time for me to switch to version

Kind regards,