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Save a different price in the order

Started by David, November 28, 2007, 06:10:47 pm

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I changed the finalPriceIncTax. is that one not saved?


any ideas? my code doesn't seem to fire at all ...  :'(


Hi, I don't if it could help, but I'll show you what I did:

in CheckoutConfirmationSubmitAction.java
in the method:    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

          OrderProductIf[] articulosKK;

          articulosKK = checkoutOrder.getOrderProducts();

          for(int i=0; i<articulosKK.length; ++i){
             articulosKK.setFinalPriceExTax( --my special price-- );
             articulosKK.setPrice( --my special price-- );
             articulosKK.setFinalPriceIncTax( --my special price-- );

I don't remember if I did something else, if I find something i'll put it here...

good luck


hi david,

thanks for the reply :)
actually my code looks nearly the same but I only changed one of the prices ... I might just try changing all and see if it works.
