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How to get list of all configured Payment Methods

Started by herison, July 04, 2011, 01:14:34 pm

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I don't see the method to get all payments or all Shipping from SOAP web services.

I used : (but the returned me a Simple String of value)
new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng().getConfiguration("MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED");

new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng().getConfiguration("MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED");



This is not the recommended way to use the web services...   It's a lot easier to instantiate the KKWSEng engine which implements KKEngIf.   Then you let KonaKart handle all the SOAP details and you can just write your java code against that interface and decide which engine to use at runtime.   Check the User Guide for details.


Thank you for your answer.

I just start on it and your suggestion is welcome for me. I had just shown my tests.

I want to get all possible payment but i don't see the way.
