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Payment Module - internationalization

Started by jmirc, January 22, 2010, 03:24:04 pm

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In the payment module, the configuration parameters are hard coded in the code and I would like to know how to display the title in another language than English.



There are properties files for these translations.  Look at the module sources in your download package.. under



These properties are used by the store front application not by the admin application.

I would like to translate each title of each property into the payment module.

For example, could you explain me how to translate the title "Enable Authorize.net Module" of this config.

configs[i++] = new KKConfiguration(
        /* title */"Enable Authorize.net Module",
        /* value */"true",
        /* description */"Do you want to accept Authorize.Net payments? ('true' or 'false')",
        /* groupId */groupId,
        /* sort Order */i,
        /* useFun */"",
        /* setFun */"tep_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'), ",
        /* dateAdd */now);




From v4.2.0.0 you can configure the Admin App to work in mulitple languages at the same time.   In the Enterprise version you can switch between your supported languages dynamically.

Take a look at the AdminMessages.properties file (konakartadmin/WEB-INF/classes)

You can define strings for these configuration titles which will override the database values. eg. for the configuration title you mentioned you would set this property:

#cfg.title.MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_STATUS  = Enable Authorize.Net Module

You can set the configuration title and description using this flexible method.
