Installing KonaKart on GlassFish

Verified on GlassFish v2 UR2 b04 (also known as Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_02 b04-fcs), Glassfish 3.1.2, Glassfish 4.0, Glassfish 4.1, Glassfish 4.1.2 and Glassfish 5.0.

Refer to the general notes for installing KonaKart on all Application Servers .


When using the custom ANT command to produce the EAR for Glassfish add the -Dglassfish=true argument so that it creates compatible WARs for Glassfish.

Assuming a vanilla installation of Glassfish, simply place the KonaKart EAR in the domains/domain1/autodeploy/ directory of the GlassFish installation. The KonaKart EAR is loaded automatically by GlassFish. Check the GlassFish server log to ensure there are no errors.

Alternatively you can deploy the EAR file by using the GlassFish admin console (typically at http://loaclhost:4848)


  1. Set the port numbers (8080) for reporting as required (set these using the KonaKart Admin App under the Configuration > Reports section)

  2. Set the HTTP (8080) and HTTPS (8181) port numbers as required (set these using the KonaKart Admin App under the Configuration > HTTP/HTTPS section). You can use the default SSL setup of GlassFish for development purposes.

  3. If you find you run out of memory, adjust the JVM memory parameters to suit your environment. The easiest way to do this with GlassFish is by using the Admin Console under Configurations > server-config > JVM Settings

  4. Configure the image locations in the Admin App under Configuration > Images . Set the image base url to http://localhost:8080/konakart/images/ and the image base path to something like C:/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/konakart/ konakart_war/images (or the equivalent in your installation).