Customization of the KonaKart Engines

One of the most important features of KonaKart is the availability of a set of open APIs that allow you to control KonaKart as you require as part of your IT solution. These work fine most of the time but there are occasions, especially with heavily-customized solutions, where you need to modify the behavior of the KonaKart APIs.

KonaKart Customization Framework

A simple framework has been developed that allows you to modify what happens when you call the KonaKart APIs.

It may be instructive to start by explaining the architecture so that you get a clear view of where you should add your customizations.

The interface to the KonaKart application engine is defined in . This is implemented by . A new, custom, implementation of the interface is provided in . For every API call, there is a method in that in turn calls a method in . The call is made by instantiating an instance of a class that has the same name as the method and executing the relevant API call on that class. The source for all of these classes is provided in the download package (from version If you wish to change the behavior of a certain API call, you simply move the relevant source file from custom/gensrc/com/konakart/app/ to custom/src/com/konakart/app/ , then modify the code in that java file, to implement the behavior you require for that particular API call.

KonaKart has two major API sets - one for the Application , and one for Administration . The paragraph above explained the classes involved in the Application API but there is an equivalent set for the Administration API as follows:

The interface to the KonaKart administration engine is defined in . This is implemented by . A new, custom, implementation of the interface is provided in . For every API call, there is a method in that in turn calls a method in . The call is made by instantiating an instance of a class that has the same name as the method and executing the relevant API call on that class. The source for all of these classes is provided in the download package (from version If you wish to change the behavior of a certain API call, you simply move the relevant source file from custom/gensrc/com/konakartadmin/app/ to custom/src/com/konakartadmin/app/ , then modify the code in that java file, to implement the behavior you require for that particular API call.

An ANT build file is provided in the standard download kits that help you build your custom code into jars and wars for subsequent deployment.

The next two sections step through the engine customization process in detail. The first illustrates how to add your own code in the custom() interface call, and the second shows you how to modify what happens in the getCustomerForId() API call.

Adding a New API call

As from KonaKart version there are two custom API calls for both the application APIs and the Admin APIs for this purpose. The default implementations all return null. One of the two calls is called customSecure ("Secure" because a sessionId is validated before it is executed), and the other simply called custom . An equivalent pair of calls are available on the Admin API.

The calls are defined as follows (you could also find this information in the javadoc):

 * A custom interface that you have to provide an implementation 
 * for. The default implementation will simply return a null.
 * There are two versions, one that requires a valid sessionId
 * (customSecure) and one that does not (custom).
 * You are free to use the two input String parameters in any way
 * you choose, for example you may wish to use one to indicate which
 * of your custom functions to run, and the other might
 * contain XML to give you a great deal of flexibility - but it's up
 * to you!
 * @param input1
 *            The first input String - can be anything you choose
 * @param input2
 *            The second input String - can be anything you choose
 * @return Returns a String
 * @throws KKException

public String custom(String input1, String input2) throws KKException;

Also, the version that checks the session ID:

 * A custom interface that you have to provide an implementation
 * for. The default implementation will throw an exception for an
 * invalid sessionId or return a null.
 * There are two versions, one that requires a valid sessionId
 * (customSecure) and one that does not (custom).
 * You are free to use the two input String parameters in any way
 * you choose, for example you may wish to use one to indicate which
 * of your custom functions to run, and the other might contain XML
 * to give you a great deal of flexibility - but it's up to you!
 * @param sessionId
 *            The session id of the logged in user
 * @param input1
 *            The first input String - can be anything you choose
 * @param input2
 *            The second input String - can be anything you choose
 * @return Returns a String
 * @throws KKException

public String customSecure(String sessionId, String input1, String input2) 
    throws KKException;

So let's work through an example of using the custom API call.

Let's suppose you wanted to create an API call that returns the OrderId of the last order that was processed. (Yes, it's a simple case, but you can make it do whatever you like once you know how to use this mechanism!).

This functionality is best-suited to the Admin API so we'll use that in our example.

  1. Move (yes, don't copy but move, because we only want one version of this file to ensure there are no duplicate classes produced) the file from the gensrc directory tree to the src directory tree:

    $ mv custom/adminengine/gensrc/com/konakartadmin/app/ \

    It is possible to edit these files in the gensrc directory tree but this isn't advisable as it will make it harder for you to upgrade to a future version of KonaKart. It's better to separate your customized versions out from the gensrc tree so that you can easily see which interfaces you've customized.

  2. Implement the code in

    Before you change it, contains just this:

     *  The KonaKart Custom Engine - Custom - 
     *                               Generated by CreateKKAdminCustomEng
    public class Custom
        KKAdmin kkAdminEng = null;
         * Constructor
         public Custom(KKAdmin _kkAdminEng)
             kkAdminEng = _kkAdminEng;
         public String custom(
                   String input1, String input2) throws KKAdminException
             return kkAdminEng.custom(input1, input2);

    Since the default implementation for these custom() and customSecure() methods is simply to return null we will need to replace the lines above (marked in bold) with the following code: (full source code for this example is provided in the download kit in custom/adminengine/examples/com/konakartadmin/app/ )

    public String custom(String input1, String input2) 
        throws KKAdminException
       * Run a query that selects the orders_id of the last order 
       * processed.
       List<Record> records =
             KKBasePeer.executeQuery("SELECT max(orders_id) FROM orders");
       if (records == null)
           // No Orders Found
           return null;
       } else
           return records.get(0).getValue(1).asString();

  3. Compile the new Custom class and rebuild the jars

    An ANT build file is provided for this purpose - under the custom directory in the download kit.

    C:\KonaKart\custom>bin\kkant -p
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Main targets:
     build                                    Compiles all the custom code and creates all the jars
     clean                                    Clears away everything that's created during a build
     clean_admin_portlet_war                  Clears away the admin portlet war
     clean_custom_admin_service_classes       Clears away the generated custom admin service 
     clean_custom_admin_service_classes_json  Clears away the generated custom admin service  
                                              - JSON
     clean_custom_store_service_classes       Clears away the generated custom store service  
     clean_custom_store_service_classes_json  Clears away the generated custom store service  
                                              - JSON
     clean_liferay_sso_jar                    Clean the KonaKart Liferay SSO classes and jar
     clean_manifest_file                      Clean the MANIFEST file for all jars
     clean_portlet_war                        Clears away the portlet war
     clean_torque_classes                     Clears away the generated torque artifacts
     clean_wars                               Clears away all the WARs and EARs
     compile                                  Compile the customisable application code
     compile_admin_portlet_liferay            Compile the Admin portlet utilities for Liferay
     compile_adminappn                        Compile the customisable admin appn code
     compile_adminappnEE                      Compile the customisable admin appnEE code
     compile_appEngEE                         Compile the customisable appEngEE code
     compile_appn                             Compile the customisable appn code
     compile_appnEE                           Compile the customisable appnEE code
     compile_customAdminService               Compile the Custom Admin Service code
     compile_customAdminService_json          Compile the Custom Admin Service code including JSON
     compile_customStoreService               Compile the Custom Store Service code
     compile_customStoreService_json          Compile the Custom Store Service code - including JSON
     compile_custom_adminengine               Compile the customisable admin engine code
     compile_custom_engine                    Compile the customisable engine code
     compile_konakartadmin_app                Compile the konakartadmin_app code
     compile_modules                          Compile the customisable module code
     compile_utils                            Compile the customisable utils code
     copy_jars                                Copy selected custom konakart jars to the lib  
     create_konakartadmin2                    Create the konakartadmin2 webapp
     create_torque_classes                    Process the Custom Schema to produce torque classes
     debugenv                                 Debug the environment
     deploy_customAdminService                Deploys the Custom Admin Service
     deploy_customDB                          Deploys the Custom Database Jar
     deploy_customStoreService                Deploys the Custom Store Service
     enable_ERPIntegration                    Enable ERP Integration - EE Only
     .. continued below

     enable_JAXWS                             Enable JAX Web Services in konakart web.xml - BE or
                                              EE Only
     enable_JSON                              Enable JSON in konakart web.xml - BE or EE Only
     enable_JSON_CAS                          Enable JSON Custom Admin Service in konakartadmin 
                                              web.xml - BE or EE Only
     enable_JSON_CSS                          Enable JSON Custom Store Service in konakart web.xml 
                                              - BE or EE Only
     enable_KKAdmin_JAXWS                     Enable JAX Web Services in konakartadmin web.xml - 
                                              BE or EE Only
     enable_KKAdmin_JSON                      Enable KKAdmin JSON in konakartadmin web.xml - BE or 
                                              EE Only
     enable_KKAdmin_RMI                       Enable KKAdmin RMI in konakartadmin web.xml - EE Only
     enable_KonaKart_Messenger                Enable KonaKart Messenger in konakart web.xml - EE Only
     enable_MQ                                Enable MQ in konakart web.xml
     enable_RMI                               Enable RMI in konakart web.xml - EE Only
     execute_sql_file                         Execute the specified SQL file
     generate_customAdminService              Builds the Custom Admin Service code
     generate_customAdminService_json         Builds the Custom Admin Service code - JSON
     generate_customStoreService              Builds the Custom Store Service code
     generate_customStoreService_json         Builds the Custom Store Service code - JSON
     generate_torque_java                     Process the Custom Schema to produce torque java files
     load_custom_mago_sql                     Load the Custom Mago SQL commands
     load_mago_sql                            Load the Mago SQL commands
     mago_debugenv                            Debug the Mago Set-up environment
     mago_setup                               Sets up the Integration with Mago
     make_admin_liferay_portlet_war           Create the konakartadmin portlet war for Liferay
     make_ear                                 Create the konakart EAR
     make_eclipse_project                     Create an Eclipse Project for Developing the Struts-2
     make_eclipse_wizard_project              Create an Eclipse Project for Developing the Product 
                                              Creation Wizard
     make_jar_appEngEE                        Create the konakart_app jar
     make_jar_custom                          Create konakart_custom jar
     make_jar_customAdminService              Create the konakartadmin_custom_admin_service jar
     make_jar_customDB                        Create the konakart_custom_db jar
     make_jar_customEE                        Create the konakart_customEE jar
     make_jar_customStoreService              Create the konakart_custom_store_service jar
     make_jar_custom_admin                    Create the konakartadmin_custom jar
     make_jar_custom_adminEE                  Create the konakartadmin_customEE jar
     make_jar_custom_adminengine              Create the konakartadmin_custom_engine jar
     make_jar_custom_engine                   Create the konakart_custom_engine jar
     make_jar_custom_utils                    Create the konakart_custom_utils jar
     make_jar_konakartadmin_app               Create the konakartadmin_app jar
     make_jars                                Create the konakart custom jars
     make_liferay_portlet_war                 Create the KonaKart portlet war for Liferay
     make_liferay_portlet_wars                Create the KonaKart and KonaKartAdmin portlet wars for 
     make_liferay_sso_jar                     Create the KonaKart Liferay SSO jar
     make_manifest_file                       Create the MANIFEST file for all jars
     make_ordertotal_module_jar               Create the ordertotal module jar
     make_other_module_jar                    Create the other module jar
     make_payment_module_jar                  Create the payment module jar
     make_shipping_module_jar                 Create the shipping module jar
     make_wars                                Create the konakart wars
     print_classpaths                         Print the classpaths for diagnostic purposes
     print_custom_classpath                   prints the specified classpath
     reset_database                           Removes the default KonaKart database set-up
    Default target: build

    You can compile and copy the relevant jars in one statement, as follows:

    C:\KonaKart\custom>.\bin\ant build,copy_jars
    Buildfile: build.xml
         [echo] Cleanup portlet WARs...
         [echo] Cleanup portlet classes...
         [echo] Cleanup portlet WAR staging area...
         [echo] Cleanup admin portlet WARs...
         [echo] Cleanup admin portlet WAR staging area...
         [echo] Cleanup WARs...
         [echo] Cleanup EARs...
         [echo] Cleanup...
         [echo] Create the MANIFEST.MF file for all jars
         [echo] Compile the customisable application code
         [echo] Copy the properties over to C:\KonaKart\custom/appn/classes
         [copy] Copying 3 files to C:\KonaKart\custom\appn\classes
         [echo] Compile the customisable application code
        [javac] Compiling 133 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\appn\classes
         [echo] Compile the customisable appnEE code
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\appnEE\classes
        [javac] Compiling 5 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\appnEE\classes
         [echo] Compile the customisable appnEE code
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\appEngEE\classes
        [javac] Compiling 38 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\appEngEE\classes
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\adminappn\classes
        [javac] Compiling 10 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\adminappn\classes
         [echo] Compile the customisable adminappnEE code
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\adminappnEE\classes
        [javac] Compiling 2 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\adminappnEE\classes
         [echo] Compile the customisable utils code
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\utils\classes
        [javac] Compiling 3 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\utils\classes
         [echo] Compile the customisable module code
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\modules\classes
        [javac] Compiling 152 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\modules\classes

    (- the middle section has been cut out here -)

         [echo] Create the other module jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakart_others_uspsaddrval.jar
         [echo] Compile the customisable engine code
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\engine\classes
        [javac] Compiling 241 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\engine\classes
         [echo] Compile the customisable admin engine code
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\adminengine\classes
        [javac] Compiling 441 source files to C:\KonaKart\custom\adminengine\classes
         [echo] Create the konakart custom jars
         [echo] Create the konakart_custom.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakart_custom.jar
         [echo] Create the konakart_customEE.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakart_customEE.jar
         [echo] Create the konakart_custom_engine.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakart_custom_engine.jar
         [echo] Create the konakart_app.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakart_app.jar
         [echo] Create the konakart_custom_utils.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakart_custom_utils.jar
         [echo] Create the konakartadmin_custom.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakartadmin_custom.jar
         [echo] Create the konakartadmin_customEE.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakartadmin_customEE.jar
         [echo] Create the konakartadmin_custom_engine.jar
          [jar] Building jar: C:\KonaKart\custom\jar\konakartadmin_custom_engine.jar
         [echo] Copy the custom jars to their respective lib directories
         [copy] Copying 54 files to C:\KonaKart\webapps\konakartadmin\WEB-INF\lib
         [echo] Copy the custom jars to their respective lib directories
         [copy] Copying 55 files to C:\KonaKart\webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\lib

  4. Define the Engine Implementation Class

    Your custom code will never be executed if we don't define that KonaKart should instantiate the KKAdminCustomEng class as its engine class rather than the default, which is KKAdmin.

    A small java program is provided in the download kit (called /java_api_examples/src/com/konakartadmin/apiexamples/ ) which demonstrates how you would call one version of custom() or the other from a java program.

    The code in actually calls custom() three times, once with the default engine, once with the engine and finally using the web services client engine, called .

    When calling using the default engine you should see the default response from custom() which is a null being returned.

    When calling using the engine you should see the response from the custom() implementation that we coded above (i.e. it should return the highest orderId in the database).

    Finally when calling using the engine, what you see depends on which engine the web services are configured to use (they could be using the default engine or the custom engine). Which engine is used in this case is defined in the file as follows:

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the admin web services
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the custom engine use: =

    The above definition is for the Admin App engine class name definition. An equivalent engine class name definition is required for the application web services, and this is defined in (you can find this under webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\classes )

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the web services
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the custom engine use: = 

    Finally, to actually run the CustomExamples , change directory to the java_api_examples directory where there is another ANT build file for building and running the examples. (You will have to start the KonaKart server before running the CustomExamples test if you want a response from the web service call!):

    This shows the commands to execute:

    C:\KonaKart\custom>.\bin\kkant > customBuild.log
    C:\KonaKart\custom>.\bin\kkant enable_JAXWS enable_KKAdmin_JAXWS
    C:\KonaKart\custom>cd ..\java_api_examples
    C:\KonaKart\java_api_examples>..\custom\bin\kkant build

    At the end of a build process some examples are executed. You should see these executing successfully with no exceptions.

Modifying an Existing API call

We will illustrate how this is done with an example using the getCustomerForId() Admin API call.

The default implementation of getCustomerForId() returns an AdminCustomer object for the specified customer Id.

Suppose you want to change the data returned for whatever reason. It may be that you have customer data in another table somewhere that you would like to look up and add to the AdminCustomer object whenever getCustomerForId() is called (this other table may or may not be a KonaKart table).

Anyway, to keep this really simple so that we don't lose track of the point of this example we will set the String value "CUSTOM SETTING" in the custom5 attribute of the AdminCustomer object that is returned. This does mean we will overwrite the previous custom5 attribute value if such existed - so you in a proper implementation will have to be aware of which fields are freely available for your use (the custom fields are designed for customers to use in ways that they see fit).

  1. Move the file to the src directory tree.

    We need to modify the default implementation and to do this we move the file from the gensrc directory tree to the src directory tree, specifically, this means we need to move the from /custom/adminengine/gensrc/com/konakartadmin/app to /custom/adminengine/src/com/konakartadmin/app .

  2. Add our customizations to

    By default the implementation of is as follows:

     *  The KonaKart Custom Engine - GetCustomerForId 
     *  Generated by CreateKKAdminCustomEng
    public class GetCustomerForId
        KKAdmin kkAdminEng = null;
         * Constructor
         public GetCustomerForId(KKAdmin _kkAdminEng)
             kkAdminEng = _kkAdminEng;
         public AdminCustomer getCustomerForId(
               String sessionId, int customerId) throws KKAdminException
             return kkAdminEng.getCustomerForId(sessionId, customerId);

    We will add our simple changes so that it looks like this: (this file is included in the download kit under the custom/adminengine/examples directory structure)

    public AdminCustomer getCustomerForId
              (String sessionId, int customerId) throws KKAdminException
        // Leave the original call to the KonaKart API unchanged
        AdminCustomer myCustomer = kkAdminEng.getCustomerForId(sessionId, customerId);
        // Now add our special value into custom5: 
        // (we may have got this value from a database query?)
        myCustomer.setCustom5("CUSTOM SETTING");
        return myCustomer;

  3. Compile the new GetCustomerForId class and rebuild the jars:

    An ANT build file is provided for this purpose - under the custom directory in the download kit.

    C:\KonaKart\custom>bin\kkant -p
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Main targets:
     build                                    Compiles all the custom code and creates all the jars
     clean                                    Clears away everything that's created during a build
     clean_admin_portlet_war                  Clears away the admin portlet war
     clean_custom_admin_service_classes       Clears away the generated custom admin service 
     clean_custom_admin_service_classes_json  Clears away the generated custom admin service  
                                              - JSON
     clean_custom_store_service_classes       Clears away the generated custom store service  
     clean_custom_store_service_classes_json  Clears away the generated custom store service  
                                              - JSON
     clean_liferay_sso_jar                    Clean the KonaKart Liferay SSO classes and jar
     clean_manifest_file                      Clean the MANIFEST file for all jars
     clean_portlet_war                        Clears away the portlet war
     clean_torque_classes                     Clears away the generated torque artifacts
     clean_wars                               Clears away all the WARs and EARs
     compile                                  Compile the customisable application code
     compile_admin_portlet_liferay            Compile the Admin portlet utilities for Liferay
     compile_adminappn                        Compile the customisable admin appn code
     compile_adminappnEE                      Compile the customisable admin appnEE code
     compile_appEngEE                         Compile the customisable appEngEE code
     compile_appn                             Compile the customisable appn code
     compile_appnEE                           Compile the customisable appnEE code
     compile_customAdminService               Compile the Custom Admin Service code
     compile_customAdminService_json          Compile the Custom Admin Service code including JSON
     compile_customStoreService               Compile the Custom Store Service code
     compile_customStoreService_json          Compile the Custom Store Service code - including JSON
     compile_custom_adminengine               Compile the customisable admin engine code
     compile_custom_engine                    Compile the customisable engine code
     compile_konakartadmin_app                Compile the konakartadmin_app code
     compile_modules                          Compile the customisable module code
     compile_utils                            Compile the customisable utils code
     copy_jars                                Copy selected custom konakart jars to the lib  
     create_konakartadmin2                    Create the konakartadmin2 webapp
     create_torque_classes                    Process the Custom Schema to produce torque classes
     debugenv                                 Debug the environment
     deploy_customAdminService                Deploys the Custom Admin Service
     deploy_customDB                          Deploys the Custom Database Jar
     deploy_customStoreService                Deploys the Custom Store Service
     enable_ERPIntegration                    Enable ERP Integration - EE Only
     .. continued below

     enable_JAXWS                             Enable JAX Web Services in konakart web.xml - BE or
                                              EE Only
     enable_JSON                              Enable JSON in konakart web.xml - BE or EE Only
     enable_JSON_CAS                          Enable JSON Custom Admin Service in konakartadmin 
                                              web.xml - BE or EE Only
     enable_JSON_CSS                          Enable JSON Custom Store Service in konakart web.xml 
                                              - BE or EE Only
     enable_KKAdmin_JAXWS                     Enable JAX Web Services in konakartadmin web.xml - 
                                              BE or EE Only
     enable_KKAdmin_JSON                      Enable KKAdmin JSON in konakartadmin web.xml - BE or 
                                              EE Only
     enable_KKAdmin_RMI                       Enable KKAdmin RMI in konakartadmin web.xml - EE Only
     enable_KonaKart_Messenger                Enable KonaKart Messenger in konakart web.xml - EE Only
     enable_MQ                                Enable MQ in konakart web.xml
     enable_RMI                               Enable RMI in konakart web.xml - EE Only
     execute_sql_file                         Execute the specified SQL file
     generate_customAdminService              Builds the Custom Admin Service code
     generate_customAdminService_json         Builds the Custom Admin Service code - JSON
     generate_customStoreService              Builds the Custom Store Service code
     generate_customStoreService_json         Builds the Custom Store Service code - JSON
     generate_torque_java                     Process the Custom Schema to produce torque java files
     load_custom_mago_sql                     Load the Custom Mago SQL commands
     load_mago_sql                            Load the Mago SQL commands
     mago_debugenv                            Debug the Mago Set-up environment
     mago_setup                               Sets up the Integration with Mago
     make_admin_liferay_portlet_war           Create the konakartadmin portlet war for Liferay
     make_ear                                 Create the konakart EAR
     make_eclipse_project                     Create an Eclipse Project for Developing the Struts-2
     make_eclipse_wizard_project              Create an Eclipse Project for Developing the Product 
                                              Creation Wizard
     make_jar_appEngEE                        Create the konakart_app jar
     make_jar_custom                          Create konakart_custom jar
     make_jar_customAdminService              Create the konakartadmin_custom_admin_service jar
     make_jar_customDB                        Create the konakart_custom_db jar
     make_jar_customEE                        Create the konakart_customEE jar
     make_jar_customStoreService              Create the konakart_custom_store_service jar
     make_jar_custom_admin                    Create the konakartadmin_custom jar
     make_jar_custom_adminEE                  Create the konakartadmin_customEE jar
     make_jar_custom_adminengine              Create the konakartadmin_custom_engine jar
     make_jar_custom_engine                   Create the konakart_custom_engine jar
     make_jar_custom_utils                    Create the konakart_custom_utils jar
     make_jar_konakartadmin_app               Create the konakartadmin_app jar
     make_jars                                Create the konakart custom jars
     make_liferay_portlet_war                 Create the KonaKart portlet war for Liferay
     make_liferay_portlet_wars                Create the KonaKart and KonaKartAdmin portlet wars for 
     make_liferay_sso_jar                     Create the KonaKart Liferay SSO jar
     make_manifest_file                       Create the MANIFEST file for all jars
     make_ordertotal_module_jar               Create the ordertotal module jar
     make_other_module_jar                    Create the other module jar
     make_payment_module_jar                  Create the payment module jar
     make_shipping_module_jar                 Create the shipping module jar
     make_wars                                Create the konakart wars
     print_classpaths                         Print the classpaths for diagnostic purposes
     print_custom_classpath                   prints the specified classpath
     reset_database                           Removes the default KonaKart database set-up
    Default target: build

    You can compile and copy the relevant jars in one statement, as follows:

    C:\KonaKart\custom>.\bin\kkant build,copy_jars

  4. Define the Engine Implementation Class

    Your custom code will never be executed if we don't define that KonaKart should instantiate the KKAdminCustomEng class as its engine class rather than the default, which is KKAdmin .

    A small java program is provided in the download kit (called /java_api_examples/src/com/konakartadmin/apiexamples/ ) which demonstrates how you would call one version of getCustomerForId() or the other from a java program.

    The code in actually calls getCustomerForId() three times, once with the default engine, once with the engine and finally using the web services client engine, called .

    When calling using the default engine you should see the default response from getCustomerForId() which should show a null being returned for the custom5 attribute (unless you fill in these values with something else in your own implementation).

    When calling using the engine you should see the response from the getCustomerForId() implementation that we coded above (i.e. it should return "CUSTOM SETTING" in the custom5 attribute).

    Finally when calling using the engine, what you see depends on which engine the web services are configured to use (they could be using the default engine or the custom engine). Which engine is used in this case is defined in the file as follows:

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the admin web services
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the custom engine use: =

    The above definition is for the Admin App engine class name definition. An equivalent engine class name definition is required for the application web services, and this is defined in (you can find this under webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\classes )

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the web services
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the custom engine use: =

    Finally, to actually run the GetCustomerExamples , change directory to the java_api_examples directory where there is another ANT build file for building and running the examples. (You will have to start the KonaKart server before running the CustomExamples test if you want a response from the web service call!). Enter the following commands:

    C:\KonaKart\custom>cd ../java_api_examples
            ..\custom\bin\ant clean, compile, runGetCustomerExamples

    At the end of a build process you should see the example program was executed successfully with no exceptions.

Enabling Engine Customizations

So, you've made some engine customizations as described above and you want them to be executed when you run KonaKart.

Assuming you have placed all the newly-built jars in the appropriate lib directories (the ANT build copy_jars target will do this for you in a standard tomcat installation) you have to modify some properties files to make KonaKart instantiate the custom engines so that your customizations will actually be executed.

There is a lot of flexibility here as you can define different engines in different places. It's advisable to change only those engine definitions that you need to change however.

  • webapps/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/

    Defines which engine the main Struts Application will use

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the KonaKart Application users
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the JAXWS engine use:           com.konakart.jws.KKJAXWSEng
    # For the web services engine use:
    # For the RMI services engine use:    com.konakart.rmi.KKRMIEng
    # For the JSON services engine use:   com.konakart.json.KKJSONEng =

  • webapps/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/

    Defines which engine the Application web services will use

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the web services
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the custom engine use: = 

  • webapps/konakartadmin/WEB-INF/classes/

    Defines which engine the Administration web services will use

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the admin web services
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the custom engine use: =

  • webapps/konakartadmin/WEB-INF/classes/

    Defines which engine the GWT Admin Application will use

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # KonaKart engine class used by the KonaKart Admin Application users
    # For the default engine use:
    # For the web services engine use:
    # For the RMI services engine use:    com.konakartadmin.rmi.KKRMIAdminEng
    # For the JSON services engine use:   com.konakartadmin.json.KKJSONAdminEng
    # For the JAXWS services engine use:  com.konakartadmin.jws.KKJAXWSAdmin